![]() | 2011 - Rome, Italy - 01-19-11 - The photographer stated: I am sending you two photos from my cell phone. Look at this very strange object that was over Rome, at 11:15 hour.The object was static for a moment. I saw this object in two positions only for few seconds. When I took the photos, I was alone on the rooftop of a friend's house. Submitted to www.ufocasebook.com |
![]() | 2011 - Sydney to Melbourne, Australia Flight - 01-14-11 - While on a return flight from Sydney to Melbourne at around 9:00 AM, I decided to take a photo outside of the plane window to capture the clouds.While placing the camera in a vertical position and looking through the preview screen, I noticed a ball shape appear a split second, just before I pressed the camera button and then it disappeared just as quickly. It did not fly away, it simply vanished. |
![]() | 2011 - Thatcher, Utah - 02-06-11 - This was taken at dusk... my second to oldest child noticed it, and came in and let me know about it. I grabbed my camera and was able to get this photograph just as it moved into the cloud.I have no idea what this could be. Two of my neighbors saw it also. We are having this happen a lot over the last week. I have no idea what it is. Any ideas? |
![]() | 2010 - Colorado - 01-06-10 - We were traveling from Manizales to Medellín, specifically between Caldas and Sabaneta, before Envigado, when we observed these flying objects which I cannot define.At first, they appeared to be sitting in the sky, but then they began to move slowly. They also appeared to be spinning on their axes. We were able to take several photographs of the objects with a NIKON Coolpix L16 digital camera. |
![]() | 2010 - Wisconsin - 01-11-10 - I was traveling south on US-41 near Lomira, Wisconsin, and while observing some unusual clouds, I noticed what looked like a white rod or possibly the edge of a white disc towards the east.It looked very solid and straight, and I could see both ends of it. I was able to take 2 photographs of the object, and then lost sight of it as I drove south. Source: www.mufon.com |
![]() | 2010 - China - My name is the Feng Bin Rui, my English name is Brad Feng. I am a resident of mainland China. I am sending you two photographs that I took on February 27, 2010.The object in the photographs looks to be made of metal. It circled our apartment, and made a slight humming sound like electricity. We had seen several unusual lights in the sky recently, and we were also watching a fireworks display. I can tell you the objects we saw came from the northwest, and made some strange moves. The light from them was similar to a laser light. Finally, we saw this object in the daylight, and I took the photos of it. Submitted to UFO Casebook |
![]() | 2010 - Belem, Brazil - 04-12-10 - This photograph was taken with a Sony DSC-500. I took about 8 pictures from my backyard. In most of them appearing with this object, it seems solid, and there was no dirt on the lens.This is very interesting, because my camera captured the object, yet I did not see it at the time I took the photograph. by Henrique Costa |
![]() | 2010 - Canton, Georgia - 09-12-10 - 2205 hrs - I went outside to the back deck to put out the Tiki lights, when I looked towards the west, I noticed a strange, pulsating light in the western sky about 12 miles away.I could just make out some color flickering about the white light. I waited a few minutes and it didn't seem to move, I then noticed a high flying commercial jet between my view and the object, the jet was a little higher. I proceeded to go into the house to retrieve my binoculars and told my wife and daughter what I was seeing. They went to get the cameras, and began to take pictures to document what we were looking at. |
![]() | 2010 - Washington - 09-18-10 - While photographing a vintage car race at Pacific Raceways near Auburn, Washington, I heard an airliner climbing after take off from the Seattle airport.I looked up to locate the airliner, and decided to take a picture of it. While taking the photo of the airliner, I noticed a bright spot in the sky. After taking the airliner photo, I tried to find the bright spot. It was gone. I kept looking and saw it reappear. Aimed the camera at the spot and took a picture. |
![]() | 2010 - Tennessee - 10-26-10 - My daughter and I went out onto the porch to take photos of the rainbow after that big storm had about passed through. She and I were taking pictures at the same time, but she caught this disc-shaped object in one of her pictures.We didn't realize what was there until we started to review on the camera the pictures she took.I immediately uploaded them to the computer. We were totally surprised to see this disc. |
![]() | 2010 - Here is a picture of a UFO spotted on November 5, 2010, 11:08 AM in Acojeja, Tenerife, Spain. Photograph taken by Annelies Middel, the Netherlands. We heard no sound, while the object on the photo is relatively close by.On Tenerife we hadn't heard any sound of planes that week. The little airport is too far away to hear that. You can see a straight line at the bottom of the object. It's a diagonal stripe pointing towards 2 o'clock, and it is attached to the main shape with another line, on both sides, symmetrically. It looks like a machine to me. |
![]() | 2010 - Idaho - 11-27- My son-in-law and I were deer hunting near Placerville, Idaho, around 11:15 AM on November 27, 2010. It was a clear day with some cloud cover and about 38 degrees.After hunting for awhile, I was getting bored and decided to snap a few pictures of the beautiful scenery. At the time I hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary (except no wildlife), however, when I got home and downloaded the pictures off my camera, a Canon Powershot A550 71, I noticed something that I hadn't seen with my own eyes on the picture! |
![]() | 2009-Wichita, Kansas-Monday, February 9, 2009-Reporter: Deb Farris, Email Address: deb.farris@kake.comWichita man was out taking pictures of construction sites for his job when he said he saw a low flying, black shiny object. He said heard a sound like a fan whirring. He looked up and saw the object drop down and streak past faster than anything he ever saw. He told KAKE News he's lived in Wichita all of his life and knows aircraft. He has never seen anything like this one before. After urging from his wife, he sent the picture to a UFO expert who posted it on his website. Now the picture is getting international attention. source: www.kake.com |
![]() | 2009-Australia-Guerilla Bay-BY SALLY FOY-01-31-09 4:00 AMA local photographer believes he has uncovered evidence of extraterrestrial life. Last Thursday night the man, who wishes to remain anonymous, was taking photos of a storm at Burrewarra Point near Guerilla Bay. It wasn’t until later that he noticed something unusual. “I downloaded my photos and this particular shot was extremely bright, so I dropped the brightness out of it and added some sharpness,” he said. The local man said he was very excited with the results and took himself off to bed. “I got back up a bit later and had another look before going back to bed. And then I got up again and had another look, it was only then that I realised there was something in the photo.” “I zoomed in and had a look, and what instantly caught my attention was the shape - it’s not in any other photos, and it’s not dust.” |
![]() | 2009-01-10-San Diego Co., California -This photo was taken on January 10, 2009, with a camera phone while I was hiking with a friend in San Diego County. The UFO appeared briefly, hovered, and then vanished just as I took the picture.If you zoom in on the picture, you can see electrical discharge coming out of the high-power lines below the UFO. I have seen other UFOs in San Diego but only at night. This one was up close in broad daylight and scared the heck out of me! Camera-LG Electronics-BG-VX8350, source: http://www.ufocasebook.com/2009/california011009.html |
![]() | 2009-Friday, January 23-Argentina-Guillermo Gimenez writes: "Here is a webcam vidcap taken on January 22 of this year at 17:58 hours over Mount Uritorco in Cordoba, Argentina.It shows an object whose movement across the sky was picked up by the webcam. Many thanks to Martha Nunez and Luis Burgos for this information." Source: Planeta UFO, http://www.ufocasebook.com/2009/argentinalivephotoshop.html |
![]() | 2009-Mystery surrounds an unidentified flying object spotted in the skies above Telford. Reader Robson Bolam sent us these pictures of a mystery object which he saw over Donnington. And he is at a loss as to explaining what it is he photographed. But Mr. Bolam is not the only person puzzling over something they have seen in the sky.Mark Young, from Telford, told the Shropshire Star he noticed six or seven red and green lights above Clive Barracks at Tern Hill, near Market Drayton, as he drove along the A53 towards Market Drayton yesterday. He said he saw the lights at about 7pm and again an hour later when he returned. Phil Hoyle, a member of the UFO Investigations and Research Unit based in Shrewsbury, said Donnington was one of the country’s top hot spots for sightings, and added: “This sounds like a definite sighting of a UFO.” source: http://www.ufocasebook.com/2009/telford.html |
![]() | 2009-January-South Somercotes, UK-By Gemma GaddThursday 4 pm-Brian Lee, 55, was driving on Billings Gate road in South Somercotes at 4.30 pm on December 9 and stopped his car to take some pictures of a dramatic sunset on his mobile phone. It wasn't until he returned home and looked over the images that he discovered the strange object in one of them. He said: "I looked at my phone and just saw this donut-shaped thing in the sky; I didn't know what to think it was." source: http://www.ufocasebook.com/2009/windfarmdonutufo.jpg |
![]() | 2009-South Carolina-I was sitting outside waiting for the mailman to come by my home. The weather was overcast most of the day. The object in my photographs made no sound. It was pretty far away.I could barely make out the object through my camera LCD screen. Camera make and model: Konica Minolta-DiMage Z20. Three photographs taken on 03-16-2009, at 4:28 PM-source: Greg, www.ufocasebook.com For more photos of the triangle, go to Triangle UFO Photographed over South Carolina. |
![]() | 2009-United Kingdom-A WOMAN in Ely has taken phone footage of what she believes is a flying saucer hovering over Ely Cathedral. The woman, who was walking her dog on Tuesday evening, sent us this footage last night.The resident took out her camera phone to capture this once-in-a lifetime event and sent the result to the Ely Standard. "The result was a bit blurry," she said, "because by that time I was almost as nervous as Maisie. You certainly don't prepare yourself for that sort of thing - I'm a natural sceptic about the existence of extraterrestrial life and had always poured scorn on the conspiracy theorists who thought we would all be beamed up into spaceships by 2010. |
![]() | 2009-April 6-South Harrow, UK-A mysterious light in the skies above South Harrow has been captured on film by an amateur photographer. The unidentified flying object appeared through the clouds at about 7.45 PM, on March 31, and was snapped by computer network engineer Ahmad Zaigham.Mr Zaigham posted the picture on website Flickr where he said that he had spotted the alien ship out his window. He said: "The light coming from this thing is something I have never seen the like. I don't think any aircraft has a light like this. Photograph © Ahmad Zaigham-http://www.harrowobserver.co.uk |
![]() | North Carolina - 03-05-09 - On March 5, 2009, at approx. 6:45 am EST, on the way down the sidewalk going to my vehicle, a bright object captured our attention. The object was moving erratically in the sky, and was slightly larger than the planet Venus just after dark or just before dawn.It was about 25 to 30 degrees in the morning sky about 6 to 10 miles away, and we were facing south. The digital camera we used was hand held and not on a tripod, as we were not expecting to capture anything that morning. The weather was clear, no cloud cover, no rain, perfect and cool. The object, as stated earlier, moved erratically for a short time, then stopped and hovered for about 5 minutes. The photo numbered 705 is the picture of the object just hovering. Once stopped, we could tell that it was shaped circular like a doughnut with lights of every color around the outside of the craft with a solid center. After hovering for 5 minutes or so, the object took off moving north relatively fast making no sound whatsoever. |
![]() | Sedona, AZ - 05-01-09 - Submitter details:The photo was taken a couple of weeks ago from the breakfast area of the King's Ransom Hotel in Sedona, AZ, at 9:11 am on 5/1/09. I have to say that it was taken through a window (dark spots, most visible in the sky area, are dirt from window), but there were no lights on inside the room to cause a reflection that results in the bright "objects" seen in the sky area of the photo. Submitted to UFO Casebook |
![]() | Palmo UFO is spotted in Palmo, Queensland, Australia - 05-12-09 Submitter Details:TWO men on Queensland's Gold and Sunshine coasts have reported seeing a mysterious white light shooting through the night sky about the same time a Territory woman claimed to have photographed UFOs near her Palmerston home. The Territory mother-of-three, who wished only to be known by her first name Kym, photographed two "discs of light" in the sky as she watched the dark rain clouds roll towards her Palmerston home last month. Kym said the image was taken on her mobile phone and that she didn't notice the strange lights in the clouds until she downloaded the pictures on to her computer. submitted to UFO Casebook |
![]() | Texas - 03-10-09 - Submitter Details:My wife, son and I were traveling home from Carlsbad Caverns on Friday, March 20, 2009, and around sunset my wife and son saw what appeared to be 4 lights hovering around 50 feet off of the ground, within a mile or so of the car (over some houses). My wife initially thought they were towers, but they all moved simultaneously vertically. These lights were pulsating (not at the same time). I immediately pulled to the shoulder of Hwy 285 and witnessed what was now 3 lights in a "V" formation (the 4th had disappeared). These lights rose vertically very slowly to a height of approximately 1000 feet in the air and after a brief pause began moving left (north) very slowly. It was getting close to sunset, and as the lights got further away the 3rd light appeared to be going slightly slower than the other two. When the lights were in front of a lighted area, I could see what appeared to be physical form behind the lights (for the first time). Shortly thereafter, a 4th light appeared in the middle of the other 3. The object(s) continued moving in the same direction, then all 4 of them "flashed out" simultaneously. My wife, son and I tracked these object(s) from directly beside our vehicle to approximately 10 or so miles away (to the horizon) behind our vehicle. The flight pattern paralleled Hwy 285. |
![]() | Colorado - 05-15-09 While at the park I saw an object in the sky and took a photo. I thought probably a plane, but took the photo anyway. Later on while looking at it, I realized it's a perfect boomerang shape. Could be a conventional craft, who knows.The object was moving slowly and since I thought nothing about it, I didn't pay anymore attention to it. Now I regret not using a zoom to get a closer picture. |
![]() | Greenville, South Carolina - 05-26-09 -The UFO Casebook received the following submission with three photographs. On May 26, 2009, at 12:30 PM, I was outside watching some thunderstorms pass by over my home. I had my camera with me, hoping to get a photo or two of some lightning.Instead this strange looking jet plane came from the northwest, and headed south. I thought that maybe it was a new type of aircraft the military was flying. I didn't hear any engine sound, but then again, there was thunder in the background. The sighting occurred in Greenville, South Carolina. Camera used was a Minolta Z5. C. Salvo |
![]() | Estonia - 08-13-09 - Photographed Moving Through Clouds in Estonia. Estonia: UFO punches hole in cloud above turbines. Photographer Avo Siim was taking pictures of wind turbines near the town of Virtsu on Estonia’s western coast when he noticed a most unusual cloud formation overhead. Something was blowing a hole in the cloud from above and sending out pieces of the cloud in a spiral underneath it.Mr Siim made sure to take shots of the formation and returned home. After developing the photos (below), to his astonishment, he noticed a UFO hovering above the turbines and just beneath the cloud at the very spot where the formation occurred. ‘I did not see the UFO with my eyes so it must have been fast’ noted Mr Siim. UFO experts in Estonia have examined the photo and declared it genuine. They have also attested to Mr Siim’s good character. |
![]() | Photograph of Unknown Object Submitted from England - Location: Ely, Cambridgeshire, England - 09-23-09. I've just came across your web site and thought you might like this. I took this photo on Wednesday 23/09/09 at about 7.15p m, there was a lovely sunset that evening.I've just been looking at my pictures and realized that this object was on there, so I thought I would send it. It was taken on my digital Kodak Easyshare camera. I took five photographs all together, but only the one has this object on it. I've enlarged the picture so you can see it more closely. Do you think its something strange? Regards, Helen |
![]() | This eerie and rather pretty UFO (photo below) was snapped in New York City by a resident on the 4th of July prior to festivities and reported to MUFON, America's main UFO reporting and research agency.It is already well documented that aliens do take an interest in human celebrations and UFO sightings to tend to be more frequent at times of historical significance, for instance around the time of Obama Barack becoming President, when a definite spike in UFOs being reported was noticed by researchers. The witness and photographer of this UFO noted that 'A couple hours before the annual 4th of July fireworks in New York City, I decided to take a few pictures of the area and noticed an odd shaped disc. There was one higher in the sky and I took a picture of the lower one that is in full view. I did take many pictures of the objects but only two have the saucers in them. The pictures were taken with my digital camera. This case is under investigation by Mufon New York.' Thanks to Ken Pfeifer a Mufon investigator in N.J. and Mufon for this story. www.allnewsweb.com |
![]() | 2009 - Italy - On the morning of October 30, 2009, at around 8:30, Mr. LM stood on the roof of his house in Tor San Lorenzo (Ardea, RM), he was cleaning his chimney, when he noticed directly above his house a dark, disc-shaped object in the sky.The witness, then, realizing the incredible event he was involved in, rushed into the house, securing his digital camera (model KODAK EASYSHARE V803 DIGITAL CAMERA 8Mpx) and proceeded to the front garden. Arriving in the garden, he quickly took a photograph of the object which was still stationary in the sky. He then changed his camera settings to the video mode, but the object disappeared without making a sound, or leaving a trace of its presence. Posted by UFO Casebook |
![]() | 2008-Triangular Object Photographed over Arkansas-03-14-08-I was trying to capture lightning from a distant storm. I was using 35mm film and a tripod bracketing exposures from 1 to 5 seconds. I had pointed my camera (Nikon FM2) in the general direction from which the lightning was occurring. I was using a cable release to trip the shutter so that no camera shake would be transfered to the picture.When the lightning would flash I would trip the shutter. I had no idea that I was capturing anything other than the lightning until I got the film processed and printed. There are 3 clear images of what appears to be a UFO. I am a professional photographer and in no way have I manipulated or enhanced these exposures. © MUFON submitter 8898 |
![]() | 2008-Argentina-01-11-08-My nephew took two almost consecutives pictures of the clouds. When he downloaded those pictures, he realized there was an object on the right side above the cables in the second shot. In the second photograph there is a hole in the clouds, that does not appear in the first one.We do not know what the object in second photograph is. They were taken in Ciudad de Isidro, Casanova, Argentina on 01-11-08. © MUFON submitter #8816 |
![]() | 2008-More Lights over Phoenix I don't know what's going on in Phoenix tonight (12-31-07) but it sure looks like the "Phoenix lights" all over again. I'm sending you this set of pictures, it looks very strange to me. What do you think? © Phoenix Web Cam-Cristofer Ohlsson-Malmo, Sweden. |
![]() | 2008-Indiana-01-31-2008-I was home alone and decided to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water and maybe find a snack. Just as I approached the kitchen/dining room area (they're the same room and we have a bay-window/patio door there) I noticed what I immediately thought was a helicopter about 300-400 feet away, just across the street and above the tree-line. Because we kind of live in the country, I thought that was unusual... then it hit me that I couldn't hear any noise at all! And then the obvious shape difference hit me like a bag of rocks and I ran for my camera - literally (I almost tripped over a rug).I don't know how long it was there before I saw it, but it hung around for 2 or 3 minutes after I noticed it... not moving or flashing or anything. The only thing I noticed was a sort of wavy-ness of the air surrounding the object - that's probably what stuck me most, actually. It resembled kind of what you see over a hot road on a summer day. It was getting dark, but I distinctly remember the dark tree line shimmering just below the object, against the sky-glow. © MUFON submitter 9511 |
![]() | 2008-Hello, my name is Bartosz Kurzeja aka Bart. I am originally from Poland. I have been living in the UK for past 8 years now. Recently I visited my brother in Dublin, and he shared this picture with me. You can clearly see an object moving very fast in the blue sky. My brother had not seen this object when he took the photograph-only after developing the pictrue did he notice it.Any explanation guys? I know that you have many similar pictures so I know that you are knowledgable about it. © |
![]() | 2008-The photograph below was submitted by Mary, who states that while watching a Dallas/Ft.Worth Texas web cam, she captured the frame. It shows two objects, which are unidentified at the moment.She saw and captured the photo this morning, 02-27-08, and when the cam refreshed 10 seconds later, the objects were gone. Web cam view is from WXnation.com's headquarters in far north Fort Worth. The cam points NE, and looks at the skies over far north Fort Worth, Keller, Southlake, Colleyville and Grapevine, TX, plus shows the airspace for both Fort Worth Alliance Airport and Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. source: Dallas, Ft. Worth Web Cam |
![]() | 2008-California-04-24-08-I was fishing on Lake Trinity, and heard the sound of an aircraft engine. It was a very low frequency sound, but I felt it more than I could actually hear it. I only had an older Sony digital camera with me, the batteries were almost dead.I snapped 4 pictures before the camera shut off, only one came out when I read the disk. Object is more or less triangle-shaped. source: www.mufon.com Additional Info: The UFO Casebook has received the following information from a reader: Wanted to let you know that photo dated 4-24-08, labeled 2008B 10539 jpg, is actually Swedish aircraft, Saab Drakken, privately owned, and currently for sale on Controller.com under under military Turbine aircraft. This is 100% positive. I am aware of the aircraft in question and it was being demonstrated on or about the date in question. NOT UFO related. |
![]() | 2008-Sacramento, California-These photos are a sequence of a military plane, along with something unidentified. They were flying behind my house. Mather Air Base in about 8 miles from my house.Editor's Note: The photographer sent along eight photographs, all of them containing an object of unknown origin. I picked the best one to display here. source: www.mufon.com |
![]() | 2008-California-05-06-08-This is a picture I took during a photo op at Ritz Carlton Dana Point. One of 26, this is the only one with this in it. I am a professional photographer.Over 500,000 actuations on this camera. Never have I had this in one of my pictures. Taken with a Nikon d2x 14-24mm lens. Editor's Note: In many photographs like these, a lens flare or camera artifact is the culprit causing the anomalous "UFO." However, in this case, we have a professional photographer who has taken a half-million snaps with his camera, and certainly he would be able to elminate these commonplace reasons for the unknown object. source: www.mufon.com |
![]() | 2008-Florence, Italy-04-04-08- I was on holiday in Florence, Italy, and late morning I took a photo of the River Arno, which flows through the city. I wasn`t taking any notice of what was happening in the sky. On my return to England, I transfered my photos onto my computer and printed the one of the River Arno.I was surprised to see that it included a clearly observable `thing` in the sky. I enlarged the photo, and it appears to be a picture of a UFO. source: www.mufon.com |
![]() | 2008-BRITISH UFO researchers are to examine a photo taken of a strange object in the sky above a North-East town. Derbyshire man Barry Knaggs found the strange image when he downloaded pictures he had taken on his digital camera during a visit to Spennymoor, in County Durham, at the weekend.Mr Knaggs, 61, was returning to the town where his parents used to live on a nostalgic visit with his wife. Although the couple noticed nothing unusual at the time, Mr Knaggs says he was amazed when he downloaded the photos to his PC once back home. "When I zoomed in to have a look I had to tell myself to stop being silly," he said. "It looked like the typical fuzzy photo of a flying saucer." Mr Knaggs sent the photo to The Northern Echo in the hope someone may be able to identify it. source: www.mufon.com |
![]() | 2008-Pennsylvania-05-29-08-I walked out of the bar to go home, and I looked up and saw three lights in the sky. Someone said "What's that?"I said "I don't know." Several of us stood there and watched it. I kept taking pictures, and other people were taking pictures also. The lights moved seemingly independent of each other. Two lights faded away and one stayed longer. As the other light was moving away, a small airplane flew into that airspace (so it seemed to me). After it was over I definitely felt that I had seen something strange. source: www.mufon.com |
![]() | 2008-Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-End of May, 2008-When I took this photograph when it was raining. I had gotten off work at 10:35 PM, and a storm had come into the city. As I drove home, there was a lot of lightning and wind.I parked my car in the garage. Everything got real bright for about 2 seconds, like something passed over my garage. I took out my camera and took some pictures. There was still a lot of lightning. I got something unusual on photograph DSC4671. I just took the shot, and didn't actually see the object in the frame. I noticed it later. I don't know if anyone else saw the object in the picture, but someone where I work says that she saw a very similar object about a week earlier. Greetings from Winnipeg, and thank you for your time. source: www.ufocasebook.com |
![]() | 2008-The photograph was sent to me by my good friend Larry from Kaufman, Texas. On 06-09-08, he was doing his usual sky watching when he spotted an unknown object in the sky. He took a photograph, and after viewing it, he saw the object was of a triangular shape. I have posted a 740x555 pixel image below to view, and also provided a link to the 3648x2736, original sized image.Thanks again to Larry for a very compelling photograph. source: www.ufocasebook.com |
![]() | 2008-I was checking out some photos I took during my flight from Rome to Amman, on the 30th of January 2008. I didn't recognize any strange object while I was aboard, but just yesterday I discovered something unusual in one of the pictures I had taken.The sighting was around over Cyprus-16:48 local time of Italy, on the 30th of January 2008. The shape of the UFO was classic (low edges and domed center), far from the plane, reflecting the orange setting sun rays. Although I was in the plane while I was taking my photos, I didn't even see it with my own eyes. I didn't feel any strange thing. I have three pictures taken at the time, and on one of them you can see the UFO. Maroof-source: www.ufocasebook.com |
![]() | 2008-Jul 8 2008-By Jo Kelly-A UFO was captured on camera as a Southport nature enthusiast snapped away at Sunday’s twister. Father-of-four Pat Regan, 51, of Sandbrook Road, was shocked when he looked at his pictures and noticed the unidentified object to the left of the funnel cloud.Mr Regan, who runs child care facilities in Formby, was fishing in Rufford Canal with his seven-year-old daughter Jasmine when the twister started. He said: “I was clinging to a railway bridge holding my camera. I thought the object might have been a police helicopter but when it’s close up, it doesn’t look like one. I’m sceptical about these things but open minded. It’s an oval shape and I would like to know what it is.” source: http://www.southportvisiter.co.uk/ |
![]() | 2008-Wisconsin-08-10-08-I spotted an aerial stationary ring around 7:30-7:35pm driving via Madison belt-line (Route 12) heading north between Old Sauk Rd. & Greenway Blvd. exits. The object piqued our curiosity enough to track it down. We drove through the nearby neighborhoods to locate a "source" on the ground and came upon a small neighborhood park (Wexford Park, Madison, WI) where we parked almost directly beneath the object.We parked past the turn-around on the corner of N. Westfield Rd. & Sawmill Road facing North/Northwest. The object was metallic in color, totally stationary, and silent. Its metallic surface was darker in color and kind of shiny with the setting sun reflecting off on some parts. We looked around the general area where there were a few kids on bikes that rode by, and seemed to not notice anything out of the ordinary. © www.mufon.com |
![]() | 2008-Indiana-On 8/08/08 I took a picture of a black triangular UFO. Since then, I have taken more pictures trying to get another shot of the triangular object if it reappeared. Today (8/18/08) at 4:28 PM, I got a picture of a different UFO in the same general area of the sky (NE approx 60 degrees elevation). I did not see or hear the object... only a photo.Sky conditions were excellent (clear blue sky). At the top center of the photo is a white object. On zoom inspection, there appears to be a disc-like recessed surface with a rim. You can see the shadow and sunlit area typical of a rim feature. Next to the disc are white unknowns. There may be a logical prosaic explanation for the object. I could not identify it, so it's a UFO to me. © www.mufon.com |
![]() | 2008-The photographs were taken in Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas, Mexico, between the days of August 8 and 9, 2008. The photographer, along with other family members, witnessed the unknown objects. The submitter used a Steady Shot Sony to take the pictures.The witness often watches the skies from the balcony of his home in Rio Bravo. The photographs were taken and submitted by Jose Alonso Galicia Fabela. |
![]() | 2008-Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas, Mexico, see above |
![]() | 2007 - Van Buren, Arkansas - Taken by retired Air Force pilot Col. Brian Fields from his backyard."At first I thought they were landing lights from an aircraft," he said. "As I continued to observe them they began to slowly disappear, then suddenly one reappeared, followed by two, then three. On at least one occasion four or five appeared. Each time they would slowly fade and eventually disappear. This occurred several times and when they would reappear they might do so in differing numbers and in different positions, sometimes in a triangular shape, sometimes stacked on top of each other, sometimes line abreast, etc. When the objects appeared they might stay illuminated 10 or more minutes." © Col. Brian Fields |
![]() | 2007 - Youngwood, PA - Researcher: Stan Gordon reports, "On the evening of January 3, 2007, something unusual was observed in the sky by three people traveling in a vehicle in Westmoreland County. The witnesses never officially reported their experience."Soon after the sighting, the witnesses were having dinner with a local businessman. During their conversation, they mentioned their sighting. They also showed the man the photo of the object which had been taken on their cell phone camera." The businessman suggested that they talk with me about what they had observed. I was put in touch with the family and conducted a detailed interview." image copyright unknown - witness remains anonymous |
![]() | 2007 - Herning, Denmar k- Unknown Object photographed over Herning, Denmark. You know the picture I sent to you the other day with the "object" in the sky? I just took picture another of these "things." Again, it was not making any sound that I could hear. It was very bright as you also can see in the photo, and it kinda looks like "something" is there in the light. Maybe a craft of some sort?Jakob Ahler |
![]() | 2007 - United Kingdom - 02 February -he mysterious lights in the sky over Archway. DOZENS of mysterious lights were spotted hovering in the sky above Archway - spreading panic among residents below. Unidentified flying orange objects stopped traffic and left residents staring skyward in disbelief at around 5.30pm on Thursday. Islington police received four calls within a matter of minutes.Witness Alix McAlister, 34, a market stall trader from Bredgar Road, Archway, said: "I just picked up my son from nursery in Bredgar Road. I had just come out of the door when I noticed what was going on in the sky. Islington police informed Contact International UFO Research about the sightings. Soon after another witness contacted the Oxford-based organisation, which is devoted to solving the mystery of UFOs, and described what he saw. A spokesman for Contact International said: "He told me he was picking his daughter up from school and he saw many people looking up in the air. Traffic had stopped and people were staring. "He said he saw between 12 and 15 orange lights travelling across the sky. Then they would stop and then they went upwards. source - Photograph © Alix McAlister |
![]() | 2007 - Texas - The UFO Casebook received this photograph from my good friend Larry. He tells me that he was taking photographs on April 19 & 20.He did not see the object as he took the photographs, but later discovered this picture with an unknown object. source: http://www.ufocasebook.com/lawwalkapril2007.html © lawwalk 2007 |
![]() | 2007 - Australia - After deciding to go away for the Easter long weekend with the family, I stumbled on some interesting photos. I am unsure as to what the object in the sky is, but I will try and give you as much details as I possible can.These pictures were taken on 6th April 2007. We were in a little town called Moonta in South Australia, about 2 hours drive from Adelaide City. I took these photos from the local scenic railway tour. They were taken at 2:15 PM on the date mentioned above. After stopping on the train with guided tour, he preceded to tell a story about the local mining town. I noticed an object in the sky just to his left, and I managed to snap of the photo, after looking at it for a couple of seconds. I went in for a second photo, but by time I grabbed my camera I could not find the object. The object made no noise and it was completely stationary. As I mentioned in the heading of the email, I have no idea what this is, it could be something as simply as a plane, but then I would gather we should have heard some noise. I spoke with the tour guide to ask if there were any airports about, because it could have been a glider, but he told me that there were none around. source: http://www.ufocasebook.com/moonta.html |
![]() | 2007 - Oregon - 03-06-07 - I was outside my house when all of a sudden I looked up and there I see it! There was a bee hive on a tree above me, but then right by it a shape appeared out of thin air. It was kind of like the ship on Star Trek, how it jumps to hyper space.Then it started performing weird patterns and such. Meanwhile I was frozen with terror. then it erupted with fire and a very loud obnoxious scream / noise. I fell down and said,"Lord Almighty, save the Earth!" Then it charged at me and swooped up and disappeared. source: Anonymous-www.mufon.com |
![]() | 2007 - Mexico City - March 15 - Video frame captures from the video belonging to Carlos Rodriguez Lopez, who saw a possible UFO to the north of Mexico's capital city.This evidence was secured on February 17, 2007 from the Progreso Nacional district. source: Inexplicata-The Journey of Hispanic Ufology |
![]() | 2007 - Brazil - This photograph has but a few details. It was submitted through the MUFON open files by a man, submitter 6902, who only states that the photo was snapped by his wife in Brazil on April 26, 2007.Very interesting to say the least. © www.mufon.com |
![]() | 2007 - Texas - This photo was sent through the MUFON submission files. It was taken in Texas in late April of this year. I really had to do some zooming on this one, but the results were worth the efforts.The man who took the photograph stated that he did not see anything unusual when he took the photograph, but noticed the anomalous image when he uploaded some photos to his computer. A very intriguing object. © www.mufon.com |
![]() | 2007 - Texas - The photograph shown here was submitted to MUFON by submitter #6969. It was taken in Texas on 05-03-07. The photographer stated that he saw nothing unusual until he uploaded the photo to his computer.Unfortunately, no other information is available at the present time. © www.mufon.com |
![]() | 2007 - East Texas - Photograph 2-© lawwalk-2007-source: www.ufocasebook.com |
![]() | 2007 - East Texas-Photograph 3-© lawwalk-2007-source: www.ufocasebook.com |
![]() | 2007 - East Texas-Photograph 4-© lawwalk-2007-source: www.ufocasebook.com |
![]() | 2007 - Texas - I took this picture at 6:13 AM on 5/10/2007 in Channelview, Texas on the San Jacinto River. Did not see the object in the upper lefthand corner with the naked eye, only after downloading onto my computer did I notice the strange object.My son-in-law suggested it may be a weather balloon. Checked with local weather man and he replied that there were no weather balloons in the area at this time of day. Zoom in on it and it looks like a bell. What is your take? Whatever, it is still a beautiful photo of a sunrise. Thanks for taking the time to look at it! Thanks to the gentleman who sent us an excellent photograph to ponder. source: www.ufocasebook.com |
![]() | 2007 - Los Angeles, California - I visited the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanical Gardens (in Arcadia) on Friday June 1st, 2007. My wife and I were looking to find a place to take our wedding pictures. We found this beautiful park; we were taking a tour of the place. I snapped several pictures and drove home.When I was downloading the pictures and viewing them, I noticed an object in one of the them. I do not know what it is...I am very interested to know what it is. I hope you can help. Please share this picture with your listeners. source: www.ufocasebook.com --Cesar V. |
![]() | 2007 - California-It was a relatively clear Saturday afternoon, my girlfriend and I were at the local High School (San Pasqual High) getting ready to jog on their track. We were on top of the hill that overlooks the stadium when we saw a bright star-like object approach from the East. As it came closer its shape became more apparent, more boomerang shaped but very smooth. The top side was made of what appeared to be a highly reflective gold colored metal. The bottom of the object was the color of dull bronze and didn't really seem to reflect the light.I had my backpack with me and luckily inside it was my camera, so in haste I quickly retrieved my camera and ran closer to the object. It made absolutely no sound and it initially moved very slowly. Too slow for an airplane to fly. As it approached us the object banked to the north and after about 30 seconds reversed it's direction revealing it's side to us. We watched if for some time as it banked back and forth, then all of a sudden it tipped it's nose to about a 45 degree angle and quickly ascended out of sight. It was completely out of sight after about three seconds. I wasn't afraid when I saw the object, just fascinated by its erratic movements and it's beauty. It truly was a beautiful thing to behold. source-MUFON Submitter 7257 |
![]() ![]() | 2007-California-Last month (April 2007), my wife and I were on a walk when we noticed a very large, very strange "craft" in the sky. My wife took a picture with her cell phone camera (first photo below). A few days later a friend (and neighbor) lent me his camera and came with me to take photos of this "craft".We found it and took a number of very clear photos. Picture #4 is taken from right below this thing and I must give my friend credit as I was not brave enough to get close enough to take this picture myself! The craft is almost completely silent and moves very smoothly. It usually moves slowly until it decides to take off. Then it moves VERY quickly and is out of sight in the blink of an eye. MORE THAN ANYTHING I simply want to understand what this is and why it is here? source: coasttocoastam.com- see more on this report... http://www.ufocasebook.com/strangecraftphotos.html |
![]() | 2007-Lake Tahoe-05-05-07-My husband and I were in Lake Tahoe over the weekend. We left on Friday afternoon and came back Monday morning. On Saturday at about 7 PM, I was walking out to my car to get a sweater when I saw this thing in the sky. It was pretty close I think, but still above the trees. It was moving and spinning slowly, heading towards my right.I was startled and confused at first and wanted to take a picture, but our camera was still inside so I took two pictures with my camera phone before it passed behind the roof of the house. I ran around to the other side and was yelling to my husband to come out. We came around the other side and saw it just as it was going down behind some trees. He didn't get a good look at it, but he saw enough to convince him that it was something really strange. We decided to take a drive around the area to see if we could see it again, but we never did. We didn't see it the next day either. Since we were renting the cabin for the weekend we didn't know any nearby residents but I would bet at least a few other people saw it. It was very visible and very strange looking. I was definitely a little freaked out but my husband didn't seem very bothered by it. He was more interested in it than scared. source: MUFON Submitter 7013- see more on this report... http://www.ufocasebook.com/strangecraftlaketahoe.html |
![]() ![]() | 2007-Capitola, CA-05-16-07-This week I was visting my fiance's parents in Capitola (we were actually there to tell them about our engagement, in fact). We were eating dinner on the back porch when we noticed this "object" sort of hovering in the sky. The camera was still out from earlier so I grabbed it and tried to get some clear shots of it.It took off over the roof shortly after, so I ran into the street in front of the house to follow, trying to get more shots without wobbling around too much (which was harder than it sounds). It then came in lower over a telephone pole, where I was able to get a few more pictures, before it finally took off into the distance pretty fast. I thought it was gone but noticed it was still visible, so I grabbed a few more pictures. At one point a car stopped to look as well. No one had any idea what this thing was but everyone in the car was visibly freaked out by it. Once it was gone they told me to call the news and drove off. :) I'm not sure who else saw it in the neighborhood since I don't live down there, but I'm sure at least a few others must have noticed it. It was way too weird and way too close to go unnoticed. Once it was gone and I caught my breath I could barely stop my hands from shaking for the next hour or so. Needless to say, this is all we talked about for the rest of the night. None of us can figure out what it was (and that's saying something, because my fiance's dad is a mechanical engineer). source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/8418528@N06/sets/72157600236430072/- see more on this report... http://www.ufocasebook.com/strangecraft3.html |
![]() ![]() | 2007-Big Basin, California-Okay, where to begin -- yesterday I was up around big basin for my assignment like I've been mentioning for the last couple weeks -- the theme for those that don't remember was photographing something at a small scale against a large scale backdrop to contrast scales and to play with depth of field etc -- I chose to photograph a couple of flower/weed things growing right on the edge of a drop off with the valley in the background -- I'm still using the rebel xt I bought off mark which is slr so I'm looking at everything through a viewfinder when I notice something _appear_ in the distance, like just pop out of nowhere --I look up and there is this _huge_ who-knows-what-the-xxx _floating_ in the distance and rotating very slowly and jerkily (is that a word lol) -- almost by reflex I take another shot which is focused in on it this time and go to stand up but practically fall over because I cant even think straight -- I was able to get one more shot which came out kind of blurred and then the thing _vanished_ -- like, as in, now you see it now you don't -- I attached the pictures so you guys can check them out before I really decide to do something with them -- are these going to the 6 o'clock news or what -- any feedback would be great before i make a major decision here -- also btw I attached three pictures the first is when it _first_ appeared right as I was taking a shot of the flowers but I wanted you guys to see everything i saw -- sorry I only got 3 pix but this thing was seriously gone in like a matter of secs. -stephen- source: www.ufocasebook.com-see more on this report... http://www.ufocasebook.com/bigbasin.html |
![]() | 2007-New York-05-15-Submitter 7210-Attached is a 5 megapixel digital photo taken in Vischer Ferry, NY near the Mohawk river. The coordinates are 42 degrees 48' 9" north and 73 degrees 50' 31" west. It was on May 15, at 10:10 am. I was just taking a picture of the dam.The UFO can be seen in the upper right-hand corner of photo 1. Photo 2 is a blown-up picture of the object. I only noticed the object after I got home and checked it out on the computer. You tell me what it was, because I don't know! The dam in the photo is a hydro-electric powerplant. MUFON submitter 7210 |
![]() | 2007-Brazil-Check out this amazing photograph take in the city of Tatuí-São Paulo, Brazil-148 Km from the capital.It was sent to a local group of ufological research called "UFO Gênesis".(http://www.ufogenesis.com.br/) The name of the author is not given. He is a friend of one of the group collaborators. He says he took the picture at a birthday´s party. It is an scanned analogical photograph, so the investigators can verify the negative in order to attest to its authenticity. Regards Mario |
![]() | 2007-July 3-United Kingdom-I'm soliciting opinions on this object, photographed by myself outside my home in Stafford (ST16 area) yesterday. Does anybody else in Stafford use these forums? Have you seen anything similar? It's very odd, but I'm not convinced it's extra terrestrial in origin. It just seemed so... real. Well it would wouldn't it? Despite the weirdness of the object though, I'm skeptical. Maybe it does have a plausible explanation.The picture was taken around sunset yesterday. It was a funny day. Cloudy one minute, rainy the next, the clouds clearing... before returning and raining again. The weather got stuck in a loop. But around sunset this amazing affect occurred with (as you can see) strobes of sunshine piercing through a thick cloud across the entire sky. My wife noticed the stationary, very reflective (like blue chrome) object behind the dark grey cloud first and being completely flummoxed about it, told me to grab my camera. As I raised the camera and increased the zoom, the object suddenly started moving at an incredibly fast speed (seemed to be heading in our direction but going upwards) so I just pressed the button several times. We got several pics, but it only appeared on the first one. The object was definitely cylindrical, but with a strangely contoured convex base. There was a cross of incredibly bright light across the base, but a blinding (bright as the sun) ball of light at the front. (I say 'front' based on its trajectory.) I assume the whole top of the craft was bathed in this 'light' because you could see its aura around the entire thing. It was gone in an instant... and we were left feeling a bit frightened for a few minutes. I suggested we look up a UFO site on the internet and post it anonymous seeking opinions because we have nothing to lose by doing so. UFO Casebook Forum Member-Laughing Policeman Published by the UFO Casebook |
![]() | 2007-I have a question for you. My husband is a commercial real estate agent in Texas and last week he was taking pictures with a digital camera of a property one of his clients is buying. When he loaded the pictures on his computer, we were shocked when we saw two dark items in the sky. When we enlarged them, it was very clear that they weren't a 'normal' aircraft...I sent them to my brother and he didn't believe us. He suspected that we had used photo shop to insert them, which we don't even know how to use... What do you suggest we do with this picture? If my own brother won't even believe us, I'm a little skeptical to approach anyone in our home town. They will probably think the same! source: www.ufocasebook.com |
![]() | 2006 -Tricase, Italy - Sighting Report: Date: January 8, 2006 Time: 11:30 a.m. Tricase (Lecce) Italy - During a walk with their own sons in marine locality greenhouse of Tricase.Without a warning, I sighted a unidentified flying object that to constant speed it was moved in east direction. Non introduced no type of effects collaterals in zone. Thank you to the witness for the report and photos. original source: http://www.hbccufo.org, Photos © Tricase, Italy witness |
![]() | 2006 - Kaufman, Texas - It seems like I send you two close together everytime here lately. This one was taken on 01-24-2006 approximately 5:30 pm. I was taking photos of this small plane because it was travelling fairly fast and I couldn't make it out too good through the viewfinder and thought it may not be a plane.I took about five photos of it and this object was in just one of them. If it was another plane or bird, it should have been in two or three of them at least, but it wasn't. So I'm thinking it could be something else. I'm sending you also a copy of the original for your analysis. © lawwalk 2006 |
![]() | 2006 - United Kingdom - Tyne - Wear - February 9. On the 9th of February 2006 at 4 PM I was looking out of the window of my home in the Tyne and Wear area of the North East of England, when I saw at least 20 glowing objects come out of the sky.I saw around 15 of the objects proceed back into the clouds and I got my camera. I quickly opened the window and was able to take a picture of the 5 remaining objects. I then saw 5 more come across the sky so I took a picture of them and then yet again 4 more came across the sky and I got yet another picture. The objects stopped coming so I went outside to investigate. I walked to the area in which the UFOs were flying over and one of the UFOs flew directly over my head and then proceeded into a cloud. I waited for quite while then went back home because I had not seen any more objects. © Sam W. |
![]() | 2006 - Los Angeles, California-February 8, Ana Luisa Cid Reports: These photos were taken with a digital camera and suggest the possible presence of "chance UFOs" that were not visually noticed by the witnesses. The image of the Zeppelin belongs to Eduardo García and was taken on February 8, 2006 in Los Angeles, California at 5:52 p.m. using a Nikon D-70 camera. © Eduardo García |
![]() | 2006 - East Texas - 02-18 - I was taking photos of clouds with the sun behind them at about 4:00 PM. Sometimes when I do this if the sun is just in the right position, the clouds will light up with different colors as this one did.On the left side of this photo something else appeared in between the clouds also. As I've said before, some of these objects I see and some I don't but the camera catches them. I have often noticed when taking photos especially with the camera zoomed, these objects are moving so fast across the viewfinder, by the time I see them and snap the picture, they're gone, and I miss them. I know the objects are usually around clouds, fast jets and their trails and if I take photos of these, the objects sometimes appear and get caught by the camera. © lawwalk 2006. |
![]() | 2006 - Mexico - March 10 - A chance photograph of a UFO has been taken in Orizaba by Rossana Tejeda Lopez. The photograph was taken at night when the Moon was bright. Rossana filmed the UFO from her garage. Her first photo there is a very luminous, orange-colored object. The second photo does not show an object, but the third one does.There was nothing unusual seen by the photographer as she was snapping the photos. She was only trying to photograph the sky. © R T Lopez |
![]() | 2006 - Mexico - 07-06 - Photos taken by Jaime Melo, a resident of Puerto Rico, during his visit to the Chichen-Itza archaeological site in Yucatan.> Taken at 13:38 hours using a 3.2 megapixel Polaroid PDC-3070. This evidence was provided by Peter (sic) to researcher Lucy Guzmán who in turn forwarded it to Ana Luisa Cid for a joint investigation. Preliminary analyses shed favorable results, finding that the material is indeed genuine. We likewise obtained a considerable similarity with a photo taken at the very same pyramid of Kulkulkan in 2005 by Argentinean tourist Alejandro Gabriel Garcia during a tour to the Yucatan Peninsula. We therefore believe that chance UFO sightings occur in the Mayan ruins of Mexico, since both witnesses state that no object could be seen in the sky at the moment that the photos were taken. ref: Ana Luisa Cid (México) www.analuisacid.com |
![]() | 2006 - Poland - Germany - UFO photographed on flight from Gdansk 04-18-06 - Presented photo was taken from a plane probably somewhere near Köln by Mr. Roman Kapturkiewicz from Gdynia [Poland].The plane was heading to Köln from Gdansk [Poland]. The witness' statement: I send a photo taken with a digital camera [Sony Cybershot Dsc-F707] on April 18th 2006 at 12:51:56 during a flight from Gdansk to Köln. The plane took off from Gdansk at about 11:55 and the flight lasted about 1 hour and 20 minutes. Polish UFO Journal 2006© |
![]() | 2006- Guatemala - A photograph taken by Jeysen Caban Fernandez, during the Good Friday processions (14 April 2006) in the Central Square of Antigua, Guatemala."When I took the photos with my digital camera I didn't see anything, but when I downloaded them to the computer, I was able to see this object in the sky, which is very close to the Volcan de Agua volcano that borders the city. I consulted this with other people and we believe it cannot represent either a plane or a bird." Jeysen is a native of Puerto Rico. He employed a Kodak EasyShare CX-7300 camera with normal exposure times. source-www.analuisacid.com |
![]() | 2006 - Argentina - April, 20 - Arturo Robles Gil writes, "Here is this controversial photo of this object that suggest a flying disk in a magnified size, unfortunately my position has to be on the skeptical and objective side. It is more easy to think that this object is a balloon rather than a truly flying disc.""The shape does not correspond with a metallic flat surface, instead the surface criteria is more on the side of the possibility of a balloon. Sometimes projection and incidence of the light can transform the shape that anyone could be confused." "Any way, I love this picture, but at the same time I feel sad because what I thought to be something spectacular could be a simple balloon. I am very sorry if at first glance I was confused." source-www.franciscofazio.com.ar & ufoargentina@yahoo.com.ar |
![]() | 2006 - Modesto, CA - I was feeling pretty good about my 'captures' and went back outside to retrieve my camera and tripod, (this was about an hour later).I had just grabbed the tripod and started to walk back when I noticed a huge reflection in the North by Northwest skies. Well I thought to myself, I'm here with the camera and tripod in my hand so what the hell, let's take a few more shots! I had the camera in burst mode so was able to fire off five shots instantly and then came back inside to see if I'd gotten lucky again. The very first shot nearly made me fall out of my chair. It seem to have many of the characteristics of a classic disc. I quickly opened up the small photo program to zoom in on the object and was surprised to see what appears to be a cupola on the top of this object. There also appears to be a few of the orb or spheroid shaped objects flying nearby. source-Johnny Anonymous, & www.ufocasebook.com |
![]() | 2006 - Monterrey, Mexico - This photograph was captured by René Paul Mounts of Oca, May 7, 2006 at 18:46 hrs. The witness went to a concert in the Monterrey Arena, when on the way she took some photos at Cerro de la Silla, obtaining one image which contained a chance UFO.René Paul used an HP Photosmart M22 camera and the photo is courtesy of Francisco Carmona. |
![]() | 2006 - Poznan, Poland, 05-26-06. Mrs. Paulina from Poznan [Posen] took a photo of a chance UFO in Jezyce forest in Poznan."I went to the forest with my mate and my dog in order to take some photos and we managed to take a strange photo. We were taking photos for fun and we downloaded them on my computer in my house. One of the photos surprised us because we hadn't seen something like it before. I don't know what it is but it looks like a UFO in my opinion. My dad told me that it is just a malfunction of the camera and he ordered me to remove the photo because there isn't anything strange on it. But I decided to send it secretly. I took it at 17:24 in Jezyce forest in Poznan." The photo was taken with Casio EX S500 camera. |
![]() | 2006 - Peru- 06-20-06. SOURCE: Ana Luisa Cid - DATE: 06.19.06 - According to the preliminary report by Dr. Anthony Choy, this UFO was photographed by Marco Antonio Zeballos, a member of the Civil Defense Regional Committee (CRDC), when the witness was in the town of Matalaque preparing to evacuate families affected by the volcano.Researcher Choy says that the photo has not yet been subjected to detailed scrutiny. However, in his opinion, there is a high likelihood that it is an anomalous object that crossed the camera's field of view, without entirely dismissing that it could be an insect or bird that flew past quickly, causing distortion in the image. Photo © Marco Antonio Zeballos |
![]() | 2006 - Jackfish Creek, Alberta, Canada - July 3 - I saw a beam of light and I have 2 photos. The first, is a photo of Jackfish bridge with a disk shaped object, and a beam of light just missing it.The object has a bright area on top of it, almost like a cloud and a possible contrail or object trailing behind it. It's almost like a dragonfly captured in a digital image, but I don't think it is. source: www. hbccufo.com |
![]() | 2006 - Toruñ [woj.Kujawsko-Pomorskie], May 20, 13:39:25. -T he photo was taken in a certain Torun housing estate. The anonymous witness didn't see the UFO taking the photo.As he wrote, he was going to took photos of some products to a catalog, setting the balance of white and snapping some random photos. No sounds accompanied the alleged UFO manifestation. source: NPN © - http://www.npn.ehost.pl |
![]() | 2006 - Mexico - The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - On Monday, August 7, 2006, the Cruz Molina family witnessed the transit of a possible UFO that traveled at low altitude over the district of Culhuacán, southeast of the Mexican capital. The video has a duration of 13 seconds and was recorded by Mr. Arturo Cruz Granados at 15:30 hours using a Sony TRV-328 camera.The exulting voices of the eyewitnesses are heard on the recording, as well as the propeller sounds of a helicopter flying over the area. Almost at the end of the video, it can be seen that the object rotated on its own axis until it lost itself behind a house. © www.analuisacid.com |
![]() | 2006- East Texas - About 3:00 PM, I took this photo of clouds above me, but didn't notice the object until later. I took 5 photos of this cloud sight in burst mode and the object was only in the first photo that I could find.This tells me again that you have to click the camera button at the exact right time to catch these things because they travel so fast. It was fairly easy to see that this object is saucer shaped, with a dome that has ports or windows, definitely a structured object. I'm sending you a copy of the original photo for you to check out. © lawwalk |
![]() | 2006 - I caught this object at 7:17 PM on 09-05-2006, here in East Texas. The sun was getting close to the horizon and I was taking pictures above it of the small clouds that were still left in the sky. I was in burst mode that will take five pics in about a second.On this one I just took two and this object was in the first photo but was not in the second one. So I'm assuming it was moving quite fast. It doesn't appear to have any wings, so I'm ruling out a bug, bird, or plane and sending it to you as a possible UFO. See what you think my friend... Larry © lawwalk |
![]() | 2006 - Mexico - Gustavo Alemán, director of the Ovni Merida group, managed to record on video a possible luminous UFO last Friday on September 1, 2006.According to the account provided by the researchers who were there with him -- Emilio Cetz and Victor Mis - the time was 11:33 pm and they were getting ready for a skywatch when Gustavo told them that there was a flash in the sky. Gustavo Aleman's report: "I saw a flash in the sky and summoned my colleagues to confirm what I was seeing. When we tried to videotape it, the object came closer to the site and that's how we managed to record it, although at that point it was in plain sight. A few seconds elapsed and the object went away. We didn't see it again. We immediately broke camp and tried to locate it elsewhere along the highway, but it wasn't possible... it was either a mere chance or it was our lucky day." © ovnimerida.com |
![]() | 2006 - Peru - September - In the Huaytara Highlands on the border between Ica and Huancavelica, a group of engineers performing work for mining company Antapite managed to take a photo of an Unidentified Flying Object, commonly known as a UFO.As can be seen in the image, it was a silvery object that stands out against a clear blue sky and contrasts with the area's topography. Accoridng to Luis Alberto Villar Perez, identified with DNi 3057454, the photo was taken on September 22 from the Jatun Orcco mining project in the localities of Palmacancha, Huarpo and San Migel in the peasant district of Santiago de Chocorvos. source: http://www.correoperu.com.pe/correosur/ica/nota.php?id=4487 |
![]() | 2006 - Texas - Kaufman - On 10-21-2006 at 6:48 pm in Kaufman Texas, I saw this bright orange flash in the western sky at about 10 o'clock high.It was coming down vertically when I first saw it and I watched it for a couple seconds before I realized I'd better get a pic of it.I zoomed in on it to 12x optical and snapped five burst photos of it. When the camera was ready again (which takes a couple seconds), I couldn't tell if the object disappeared or sped off, it just wasn't there anymore so I didn't get anymore pics of it. When I downloaded the pics on the computer, I zoomed in on the object and saw something I never saw before, it appears to show some type of structure or framework on the object. The sighting lasted not more than five or six seconds at the most. The sky was completely clear and the temperature was 60 or 65 degrees and the sun had just set, no wind to speak of. Sending a copy of the first original photo I took, thought this may be of interest to you. photograph © lawwalk, 2006, original source: www.ufocasebook.com |
![]() | 2006 - Albuquerque, New Mexico - Posted: Monday, October 30, 2006 - I caught a flying saucer on camera. A group of us went to the corn maze here in Albuquerque about a week ago and I snapped some pictures. When I pulled them out and looked at them today, I find that I caught a real, live flying saucer on camera.Hey - we're just a stone's throw from Roswell here, kids. source and references: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID... |
![]() | 2006 - Ft. St. John, B.C. Canada - I took this photo on August 20, 2006, while helping a friend on a moose hunt. It was taken using a Kodak Easyshare c340 digital camera at around 1:30 PM. It was seen about 20 miles north of Ft. St. John, B.C. Canada.My friend has no interest in this subject so when I saw it approaching at a high rate of speed I just grabbed my camera and snapped a couple quick shots without saying anything to him. Photograph © M.M. |
![]() | 2006 - Ipiales, Columbia - The photographs were taken in Ipiales, Columbia during the weekend of November 18-19. The witness Freddy states that the first photo was taken of a large, luminescent shape. The next photos show UFOs circled in red, and a cigar UFO.The last photos show another luminescent point circled in green. He states that they are "plasma" UFOs. See all of the photographs at UFO Casebook's Photographs of UFOs Taken over Ipiales, Columbia © Freddy, released by the UFO Casebook. |
![]() | 2006 - California - A chance photograph of a UFO was taken in California on July 1, 2006. At approximately 1:30 PM, while near some tanks located near Hercules and Vallego, the photograph was shot by Larry Wexdoz.The witness used a Nikon E5200 camera. He sent his report and photograph to Ana Luisa Cid with the colloboration of Alex Sender. The photograph clearly shows what appears to be a disc-shaped object. |
![]() | 2006 - Kaufman, TX - 12-30-06 - East Texas. Sometimes I just have an urge to get up and go take a few pics and that's what happened on this day. It had just stormed the night before and the sun was peeking out. I walked out and the sky was clear over my house so I went to the side and took a photo of these clouds in the south.I didn't notice anything flying while I was taking the pics, but the first photo I took had this flying in the clouds as I checked them on the computer. © lawwalk 2006-2007-source: www.ufocasebook.com |
![]() | 2006 - Santa Cruz, California, 12-29-06 - Sightseeing and taking photographs along coast north of Santa Cruz, California. On back road just south of Bonny Doon, took photo of picturesque landscape.Camera was pointing approximately east. Did not see any object in sky. Camera was Hewlett Packard PhotoSmart R967, 10 megapixels, in auto mode. Shutter speed for ambient lighting conditions varied somewhat for different scenes, but was hovering around 1/400 second. © John Tisdale-source: www.ufocasebook.com |
![]() | 2006 - Sierra de la Ventana, Province of Buenos Aires, located some 320 km from the city of Necochea, Argentina.The event took place on November 21, 2006 between 15:00 and 16:00 hours and the instrument employed was a Canon A530, 5Mpx camera (the photo taken was at 3 mpx) in Auto mode. An object can be clearly seen flying at low altitude, flying at high speed over the site. It has the shape of two superimposed plates and one or two types of extremities, or something similar, can be observed its lower section. source: Planeta UFO |
![]() | 2006 - Brazil - Photo taken by Roberto Di Sena, former military. He described taken the photo anytime between 08h30 and 10h00 a.m. local time, on November 26, 2006, in a location called Alagamar, periphery of the city of Natal, state of Rio Grande no Norte, Brazil.Di Sena did not observe anything unusual in the sky and took several pictures at random, deleting a few later. Fortunately, he did not delete this one. The camera used was a Pentax Optio 60 6.0 megapixels. © Roberto Di Sena |
![]() | 2005 - Mexico City. Taken on January 9, 2005 by Pedro Avila Rubio, as a UFO flew over the Plaza Mexico bullring between 5:45 and 6:00 pm. Rubio obtained impressive video evidence of an unidentified flying object at an altitude of 4000 meters over the municipality of Tlalnepantla in the state of Mexico at 3:45 p.m.The witness described it as a sphere with protuberances in its lower side - making the analogy of a pea with corrugated edges, which was precisely in the San Mateo air corridor, adding that no aircraft appeared during the recording. To see second image capture from video Go here. |
![]() | 2005 - United Kingdom - Kimmel Bay -Jan 23. Photographer was trying out the camera on maximum optical/digital zoom which is about 12X. It was taken on Kimmel Bay (west of Rhyl) quite near the car park and the Asda store not being far away.At first I noticed the white blobs on the left. Seagulls? Well I've always found even at a distance some sort of a birdlike shape is there and it seems a bit of a coincidence that this does not happen with any of this group. Is the object above the roof of the shelter the North Wales Police helicopter? It is loud even at a distance but we were not aware of it. |
![]() | 2005 - Portland, Oregon - Witness states: Driving to work in Portland, OR on 01/11/2005 at 7:35 am I saw two bright objects just above the eastern horizon. They were much brighter at first before they sank into the distant haze that you see in the pictures.The objects were moving to the east away from me, how fast I cannot say. They held in view for about nine minutes, so could not have been moving too fast. An excellent photo. |
![]() | 2005 - Roseburg, Oregon. Taken on January 16. Witness states: I took this picture off my balcony in Roseburg, Oregon at about 9:30 pm on Sunday Jan 16, 2005.I noticed the lights before they started moving. They were very dim at first, but when it started moving they brightened up considerably. It took about 20 minutes to move out of sight over the mountains. I could not tell if it was round or triangular, but I got the impression I was looking at a triangle from the front because of the way the lights were placed. |
![]() | 2005 - United Kingdom. Northumberland, 01-18. The UFO Casebook received two photographs from Alfred Dodds of the Northumberland UFO Research Centre on 02-04-2005. In the second photo look above the rooftops of the houses and just to the right of the rainbow and you will see the UFO closer up.These photos were taken on the 18th Jan '05 at 15:11 pm. I examined the photographs, and in the first one, the object was so distant, that I could only conclude that the object was oval-shaped. The second photograph, however, afforded a good look at the object, and enabled me to get a fairly good closeup. It is very difficult to determine exactly what Mr. Dodds filmed, but I posted here for all to see. source: Alfred Dodds. Northumberland UFO Research Centre. |
![]() | 2005 - Texas - City of Kaufman. Taken on 01-21-05, © Lawwalk.Witness states: I was out today taking pictures of the chemtrails, at 11:35 AM. I was aiming my camera at a scrawny little cloud. As I was snapping the picture, I noticed a flash in the sky through the viewfinder. When the picture came on the screen, I noticed a gold-colored object at the top of the cloud I had captured also. I looked back where it was and of course it was gone. I really couldn't tell much of what it may be till I downloaded it on my computer. I zoomed in on it and nearly fell out of my chair. It appears to be a craft of some kind with maybe windows or ports on the right side, in the middle. It also appears to be emanating a gas or some type of energy field around it, mainly at the top. An excellent photograph in need of further study. |
![]() | 2005 - California - Chula Vista - January 29. California-Chula Vista pictures taken with a Canon mini DV Camcorder, 4.0 mega pixels. The photos were taken near my home on Jan 29,'05 at starting at 5:00 pm and ending at 6:00 pm.Again, felt "urge" to go outside, boom. Followed this thing around in my car for about an hour, never driving more than 5 miles away from my home. Thanks Jen for sending them to us. source and references: © Jennifer F. |
![]() | 2005 - Wisconsin - Green Bay - 02-12-05. I was out last evening taking a few sunset photos on Green Bay when I noticed this bright spot. I took 2 quick shots... looked down at the screen on the back of my camera to be sure I was getting the photos... when I looked up again the object was gone.This all happened in about 10 or 15 seconds. Not sure what it is but I thought you might find these interesting. I talked to another researcher today about this particular photo, and he thought that this picture might be showing what is called a "sundog." I agree this is a possibility, but looking at the full size image, it appears to me that the object in question is in front of the cloud cover, and not a reflection or atmospheric condition. (B J) original source: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/gen/page824.html |
![]() | 2005 - Mexico City. Ana Luisa Cid reports a personal sighting on 17 February 2005. At 9:30 a.m. I witnessed the transit of this flying object toward Mexico City's eastern regions. I was writing an article on my computer when something shiny made me turn to the left and look through the window.It was an elongated structure of considerable size, visible to the unaided eye, which traveled horizontally at great speed. When I reached for my camcorder to shoot video, the brilliant structure made a sudden reverse motion and hid behind the rooftop. I remained patient and waited for it to emerge, obtaining the following images. |
![]() | 2005 - California - Half Moon Bay - 12-12-05. Here is the best of about 5 or 6 photos I took of 3 mysterious discs flying over the Half Moon Bay beach in Northern California last week. I was out shooting some black and white shots of the rocks when I heard some people on the beach yelling to each other to look up in the sky above the water.These "disc" type aircraft came from over the rocks very slowly (it was hard to tell how high they were, but the closest one didn't seem much higher than 200 feet) then moved out toward the water. The whole sighting lasted no more than 30 seconds. Taken by Watson Morris. original source: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/gen/page835.html |
![]() | 2005 - Kaufman Texas. I thought you might be interested in this photo that was taken 03-21-2005. I dug it out of my files. It appears to me to be two saucer-shaped UFOs either docking or undocking. See what you think... Larry © lawwalk.A very tantalizing photograph to say the least. No doubt it is something out of the ordinary. Could this be two UFOs docking? The smaller one beneath either leaving the larger ship above, or entering the larger craft? One of the best there is, in my opinion. B J |
![]() | 2005 - Louisiana - My co-worker’s 13-year old son was in his back yard in Westwego, LA, taking a picture of the sunset on 04 Mar 05, when he downloaded his pictures to his computer he noticed a spot in the top center of the photo.When you enlarge the area you see a triangle with lights on each tip (second photo). If you look even closer, you can see a black dot to the right and above the triangle (close-up of this in third photo). Westwego is directly across the Mississippi River form New Orleans. This, another rare photo of a triangle. |
![]() | 2005 - Timbo, Arkansas- April 28. Yesterday, between heavy rains, we had some boiling, rolling type cloud activity, worse than Dorothy (Wizard of Oz) would have seen. Anyway, I got my camera after 20 minutes or so, so the images I actually got are quite tame, cloud wise.We frequently see strange lights here, I watched the skies since we moved here in 2001 and noticed the heavy chemtrail activity. I have lots of chemtrail images also, but not many with a good digital. We recently got a fairly good Sony Cybershot 4.1 mega pixels. I am not very computer savvy, but I am able to enlarge the images somewhat now and see lights and things that I can't identify. If you would like to see some of these images, email me back so I can email them to you. I was later taking the shots after the storms chemtrailing, trying to get the plane images. thanks to www.hbccufo.com |
![]() | 2005 - April, 5. Mexico. Report received from our correspondent in Mexico City, Prof. Ana Luisa Cid.Juan Antonio Lopez, a young man from the city of Culiacán, Sinaloa, managed to obtain excellent footage of unexpected UFOs over his city. Upon viewing the film, strange shining structures can be seen moving around at high speed. Vidcaps are shown. Our readers will recall that Prof. Cid has obtained video of strange objects flying over this vicinity in previous occasions. © Juan Antonio Lopez |
![]() | 2005 - Russia - April 10, 2005 - The UFO Casebook received a short report with photograph. The image purportedly shows five UFOs. The photograph was taken on March 02 of this year over the city of Moscow.There was also a notation of a location called, Station Metro "Ploshad Ilyicha." I want to thank the gentleman for sending in a most interesting photograph. I am assuming this is a legitimate photo, until further evidence comes forward to prove otherwise. © G.O. |
![]() | 2005 - Kaufman County, Texas - May. Taken by prolific picture taker Larry from Texas. His still photos and videos have been the subject of a UFO television special on ABC news affiliate KLTV in Tyler.Yours truly presented his photography on this special. This photo was taken after the special was filmed, or would have been included. A rare photo of a triangle. © lawwalk. |
![]() | 2005 - Catasauqua, PA - May 15, 2005, between 6-7 pm. I was out in front of my house on Sunday, when I was taking pictures of my daughter and other family and friends.I saw and heard a small plane flying overhead and decided to take a digital picture of the plane to show my nephew how good the zoom is on the camera. The next day when I brought the image up on my computer screen I saw the object above the plane. When looking through the camera I saw only the plane when taking the picture. A big thanks to Jim for sending in his information and photograph - source & references: UFO Casebook. |
![]() | 2005 - Modesto, California - July. I took some additional pictures of this unusual object that has been above my residence at night. This time the craft was towards the south and the stars in the pictures are a part of the Scorpius constellation. The roof of my house is barely visible in one of the pictures.This places the UFO at a fairly low position on the southern horizon. It is remarkable how it appears to be moving at a 30 degree angle towards the ground. Was the craft diving towards some other object that is not visible? I can't really think of any other reason why the craft has such a slant. It has to be moving downwards because its direction of travel is towards the right in the frame. images© R. David Anderson. |
![]() | 2005 - Arizona - Phoeni, Sky Harbor - My wife thought she heard thunder on June 27, 2005, so we went outside to make sure everything was picked up that could blow away. I walked around the front of the house to look for thunderstorms when I saw something that looked like a plane on approach to Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, then two lights that didn't appear to move.They were spaced fairly far apart for a commercial aircraft to be that close and appear still, so I called my wife over to take a look. After a couple minutes it was obvious that it wasn't a conventional aircraft. I went inside to get my camera and binoculars. I took several pictures as it moved slowly off to the west and eventually below the roofline of the neighboring homes. source and references: Brian Vike www.hbccufo.com, Image © M. Di Silvestro |
![]() | 2005 - Puerto Rico. While I was at the University of Puerto Rico Enclosure of Rio Piedras, I was approached by a group of students who provided this photograph to me. The information that they provided to me was about a group of fishermen of Manatí, Puerto RicoOn the 31st of July 2005, at about 10:30 at night they took a photo with a digital camera while observing apparent unusual extended UFOs traveling from north to the south in straight form. The sighting lasted about two minutes or so. Report by: Prof. Reinaldo Ríos. |
![]() | 2005 - United Kingdom - July. The photos were taken using a Canon 300D camera with a 300mm image stabilising lens. The original photographs untouched are available if required. At around 10.00 am this morning July 10th, I was sitting outside with 4 colleagues when I saw a very bright flashing rotating object in the sky.This I pointed out to everyone, and everone saw it. At this point I must say that I am one of the world's greatest sceptics with regards to UFOs. I managed to photograph the object and have 6 very good photos of it. Eyewitness photograph © Steve Mera. original source-www.rense.com. |
![]() | 2005 - Mexico - July. The UFO Casebook received the following report with photographs from INEXPLICATA-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology, on August 1, 2005.Images are dated July 28, 2005 taken at 19:31 hours along the Piramides-Ecatepec Highway in the municipality of San Juan Teotihuacan, State of Mexico. Teotihuacan UFO Photos by Ana Luisa Cid. |
![]() | 2005 - Mexico - Hill of the Box - Photographic sequence of Miguel Luna taken in the mountainous region of the Mexican state of Oaxaca, in the Hill of the Box. Photographs taken on August 5, 2005 at approximately 1:00 PM.The witness states that he initially thought that the "shade" could be a zone burned in the hill, but later noticed that it had movement and that also it was possible to observe the flying object between clouds. The images were taken with a camera Sony DSC-P73, normal exhibition and speed ISO 100. © Miguel Luna |
![]() | 2005 - France - Chance UFOs in France Photography sent by investigator Christian Mace' Cogolin, near Saint-Tropez, France. "...the photo: I took it from my terrace from Cogolin, on the 29th of September of 2005 at approximately 18:00 hours.""On that occasion I was taking photographs of the clouds, it was windy and there were no airplanes in the sky, neither helicopters, nor birds." "When I uploaded the images to my computer, I discovered two things that could be UFOs". Photograph © Christian Mace, original source: www.analuisacid.com |
![]() | 2005 - Jersey City, NJ - This photo was allegedly taken in Jersey City, NJ, USA, Aug. 2005. It took place when the photographer had pulled over off the highway to buy some fruits at an isolated fruit store and he snapped a picture of this warehouse in the lot over.He said he did not even see it when he took the picture. (Source: Xinhua Forum) No copyright info available. |
![]() | 2005 - Spain - Castellon - INEXPLICATA-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology-November 9, 2005. Angel Rodriguez, co-director of the Universo Prohibido site, sends us the following message:"This is the photograph of the UFO taken by a young woman from the city of Castellón. Apparently the young lady was not aware that she had photographed a UFO. She kept the image stored within her digital camera and it is only now that she became aware of it." Translation (c) 2005. S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Angel Rodriguez. |
![]() | 2005 - Kaufman, TX, 12-31-05. I thought I was photographing a jet at the time. It was several miles to the west toward Dallas. My wife got a look at the pic and wanted to know if I had sent it to you yet.She doesn't get too excited about most of my photos, but this one she said was one of the best ones I had. A big thanks to Larry for sending this one to us. A really great photo! © lawwalk 2005/2006 |
![]() | 2005- Mexico - October 18 - Photography of Mr. Demetrio J. Ramirez, in Chihuahua.According to the witness, that day was of trip of weddings by the mentioned Mexican state, crossing in bus the passage of the town of Creel towards Divisadero, in Ravines of Cobre. At the Tarahumara Mountain range a panoramic Vista of the landscape can be had, and he decided to capture some photographs with his Sony DSC-P150 digital camera. © Demetrio J. Ramírez. |
![]() | 2005 - Canada - This photo was said to be taken on a ferry that goes to Vancouver Island in Canada, Nov. 25, 2005. Some debunkers have claimed that the object is nothing more than a bird.Personally, I just can't see that, it certainly looks like a structured, metallic object to me. Sure, some images of UFOs turn out to be birds, but not this one. © Rob S. |
![]() | 2004 - Starksboro, Vermont - January - This excellent photograph was taken by R. W. Martin while returning home from picking up his daughter. Several photos were taken, and in each photo, the object looked different, suggesting that the object was turning as it flew. A superb video of a UFO. |
![]() | 2004 - Beveridge, Australia - An employee of this major municipality during his routine work as a traffic engineer took a photograph of a level railway crossing at Beveridge north of Melbourne using a digital camera. When it was downloaded from the camera on to a computer an object appeared in the sky on photograph. Taken on January 16. Jim Linton, Communications Officer, info@whittlesea.vic.gov.au |
![]() | 2004 - Tasmania, Australia - January - This photo is credited to Rod Beveridge of the Australian UFO Research Network, although the photographer's name remains secret. A nice photo taken with an Olympus Camedia, 5 megapixel. Photo was taken while filming near "Cradle Mountain." Good enough to add to any collection. |
![]() | 2004 - Malta - I noticed the object only after downloading the photos on my computer. I never noticed anything before or after taking the picture. Previous and later photos have no indication of any smears on the lens. I am also very sure no aircraft were in the area at the time. The photo was taken in Malta at a place called Bahrija; situated at the northwest of Malta on February 1, 2004, at 10:38 in the morning. As you can see seven months have passed by, but now I was advised and encouraged to put this photo forward for possible investigation. I would be grateful for any replies back. |
![]() | 2004 - Long Island New York - April, 23 - This very impressive image of lights was taken by a lady who is identified only as Marjorie. Early morning, she took her camera and captured some 25 photos of the sky that day, using a welder's glass to keep her eyes from the sun's harm. They were taken with a JVC digital camera. The avid photographer was shocked to see the object in the sky. |
![]() | 2004 - Provo Canyon, Utah - May 20. To the naked eye, Tommy Woodard's digital photograph appears to be nothing more than a pretty picture of trees in Provo Canyon. But zoom in, he says, and the purple glow of a saucer hovering at an angle above the tree line starts to take shape. Woodard, 22, a photo librarian with the Utah Film Commission, took the photo that he believes represents an unidentified flying object. He was in the canyon Tuesday shooting still pictures for a possible film location, and began taking pictures for himself on his way out. At the time, he didn't see anything out of the ordinary in his photograph. But later, after noticing a black speck in the frame, he zoomed in and "the closer I got, the more impressed I got by it," he said. |
![]() | 2004 - Niagara Falls, NY - May. In the photo a distant monument of recognizable shape is visible giving us an excellent item to zoom in on with the same factor as we do the UFO. This allows for a unique comparison of clarity in this high resolution digital image to determine how much distortion is taking place with the UFO in the image. It would appear that the spire-like monument in the distance is considerably farther away than the UFO is from the photographer, else the UFO is gargantuan, which is unlikely. source: Brian Vike, photographer, anonymous |
![]() | 2004 - Corpus Christi, Texas. Taken between 7 and 8 PM, June 17th. The sender was taking pictures of the clouds of Corpus Christi with a Sony 5 megapixel digital camera. At this time, the cameraman saw nothing out of the ordinary through the viewfinder of his camera. Later, when looking over the pictures, and transfering them to computer, he was surprised to see a strange object in one of the shots. The object, at first observation appears to be a classic spherical UFO with a domed top of some type. We have edited the original photo to provide a closeup, enhanced image for all to see. The UFO appears to be a discoid shape with a top. Credit- Darren Kurz |
![]() | 2004 - Waupaca, Wisconsin. Taken by Jeff P. just after a sunset on 09-22-04. Object moving West to East. No other info available. This resembles a jet fighter plane, but I have never seen anything quite like it before. Let us know if you know more about this. At this time, it is unknown. |
![]() | 2004 - Allentown, Pennsylvania - July - The sighting took place this past week and was witnessed by Jim, along with his wife Florence, and daughter Sarah. The skies were clear at the time of the sighting. In Jim's own words: "We were at Dorney Park in Allentown, PA, and around 4 PM I saw a helicopter flying by but nothing else, so I took a picture with my digital camera and when we looked at the photo there was a disc-like object next to it. "When I was looking at the helicopter before taking the picture even while taking it, I saw nothing except the copter, but the object is in the picture." Credit - Jim W. |
![]() | 2004 - Wastewater, UK - Witness states: As I am in the Royal Air Force, I often go away on exercises and detachments with various aircraft. On this occasion I was working with a crew of Sea King pilots and ground crew in the Lake District area. The place was called Wastewater and is near Gosforth. I will enclose a link of the hotel we stayed in as it is situated on the lakes that the photo was taken of. We were working in the mountain area for the week commencing Saturday the 7th of March, and Saturday the 14th inclusive. I'm not sure of the exact time or date, but my best guess would be Monday or Tuesday (8th/9th) at approximately 4 - 4.30 PM. |
![]() | 2004-Tenerife Island. Taken over Tenerife Island, Spain on August 3, 2004. Witness/photographer was 37 year old Teresa Codina, from Barcelona, Spain. She had taken photos while on vacation, and only later noticed the UFO in the picture. Taken with Sony 2.4 pixel camera. |
![]() | 2004 - Vantaa, Finland - The witness states: "I was taking photos of the little island seen in the picture using my cell phone camera, Nokia 7650, when the object appeared in the photo on August 27, 2004 at 10:08 PM. I didn't see it while taking the photos, although I was taking the pictures at an arm's length because it has no zoom feature. |
![]() | 2004 - Cartagena de Indias - This extremely clear photograph of a UFO was taken on August 15, 2004, by a tourist on the Atlantic coast. The photo was analyzed by experts by computer. It was their determination that the object in question was not a spot on camera lens, nor birds, since there were birds elsewhere in the photograph. They also declared that the object was not superimposed or added by computer software. |
![]() | 2004 - September - Taipei, China. A Taipei citizen claims he has taken photos of an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) using his cellphone. Reported by www.chinataiwan.com. Lin Qingjiang, a worker in Hualian County of Taipei, discovered a suspected UFO, shaped like a large bamboo hat, at about 10 PM, when he was resting outside the house, the reports said. Lin was quoted as saying that the suspected UFO flew towards east and west five times within 10 minutes. But it had disappeared when he wanted to ask others to share in the excitement after taking photos through the cellphone. A great photograph! |
![]() | 2004 - Zion National Park - Utah. This is the BEST legitimate UFO picture I have ever seen. You can clearly make out that this is a saucer. My friend, Dale, who took this picture told me that he didn't even think it was anything other than a bird until he enlarged the picture but it is really something else. Thanks to Jon Barton Shields bshields@mindspring.com/credit to:Skywatch-International. Date unknown except for year 2004. |
![]() | 2004 - Ticul, Mexico - A UFO sighting took place December 12, 2004, on Sunday, during the celebration of the feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe. A circular UFO, surrounded by multicolored lights, was filmed the city of Ticul. This city remains the focal point for such encounters. Silvestre Leal and Emilio Cetz Aguiar, in charge of the Sociedad Internacional de Rastreo e Investigacion OVNI (Sirio) were responsible for filming the "craft." Only 54 seconds of video footage was obtained along with 150 photographs. The photos were analyzed along with their clarity to confirm that they indeed showed a UFO. See large photo. Very impressive. |
![]() | 2004 - Jalisco, Mexico - October. On 10/16/04 Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, at about 18:53 PM, I was walking in the street and I saw 1 glowing orb moving slow in to the clouds. I had my camera nearly to me because is not the first time that I saw UFOs and I took 7 photos. The UFO was moving from east to west and the velocity was varied. It has metallic texture in red and oval shape, the distance was about 800 meters. The sight it was not near to the airport of any kind military base. I didn't see any aircraft in the area or any type of exhaust coming from the object. |
![]() | 2004 - Hawaii, Dec. 17 - An unidentified streak moving through the night sky above Hawaii has sky watchers puzzled. The streak, which can be viewed in motion on a NASA website page, was captured on film by a camera positioned on a volcano in Haleakala, Hawaii. It moves from southeast to northwest. Image of unidentified streak near center of circle. According to the NASA site, the streak was spotted on the night of Dec. 17. Another camera trained on the night sky in Hawaii, in Mauna Kea, also captured the image. source: http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=42767-© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com |
![]() | 2004 - Great Wall of China - While on vacation in September, 2004, Paul Whitman and family were visiting the Great Wall of China. While taking a photograph of his son, Paul inadvertently caught something else in the upper left hand side of the picture. Paul was kind enough to send along his photograph to us. After doing a zoomed in enhancement of the object in question, I was unable to identify the object as any known object that I am aware of. Maybe some of our readers will have a clue as to what the object is. © Paul Whitman, original source; www.ufocasebook.com |
![]() | 2004 - Guanajuato, Mexico - December 23. Eduardo Ortega and Salvador Ortega videotaped these small structures crossing the solar disk at high speed and in different directions. Upon examining the recorded images in slow-mo and frame by frame, the following images were seen. Consideration was given to the possibility that these may be the oft-mentioned "Rods," without dismissing any other type of known event. The UFOs seen in this series of photos are some of the most unusual, yet clearly defined I have seen to date. |
![]() | 2004 - Hawaii - December 17. Mysterious streak captured by camera positioned on active volcano. An unidentified streak moving through the night sky above Hawaii has sky watchers puzzled. The streak, which can be viewed in motion on a NASA website page, was captured on film by a camera positioned on a volcano in Haleakala, Hawaii. It moves from southeast to northwest. Image of unidentified streak near center of circle. According to the NASA site, the streak was spotted on the night of Dec. 17. Another camera trained on the night sky in Hawaii, in Mauna Kea, also captured the image. source - http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=42767 © 2005 WorldNetDaily.com |
![]() | 2004 - Norwich, Norfolk - According to eyewitness testimony of the women, she sensed something was about to happen before the UFO was seen. Photo was taken by her husband with a video camera. Husband and wife team took another photo of an unknown in 2002. original source: www.nationalufocenter.com |
![]() | 2004 - Kingston, Ontario, Canada - December 4. I received a photo of a definite UFO from Tim in Canada. I have enlarged the section of the object in the night sky and attempted to brighten and increase the contrast on the second photo and then posterized the third photo. I used Adobe Photoshop for all tests regarding the object. A clear image of a solid object is evident. Is it an extraterrestrial UFO,? I don't know. It is a definitely an unidentifed flying object - absolutely. by Dirk Vander Ploeg, Publisher-source & references:http://www.ufodigest.com/kingston.html |
UFO PCTURES 2000-2003
![]() | 2000 - Stinson Lake, New Hampshire. Stinson Lake is in close proximity to a United States Army training area, and this unknown could be an experimental craft, or then it might not be. According to the photographer, the object made no sound whatsoever, and it appears that the unknown has no wings of any type. Nice photo! Image is copyright J. Foss. | |
![]() | 2000 - Florida - 2000 - A picture from Fred R. from Jensen Beach, Marin County, Florida, July 23 at 15:20. Fred said he was the only witness of a disk shaped object that had an aura or haze around it. Very unusual as the object was being filmed just above the water, or going into or out of the ocean. Some claim this one to be a hoax. What do you think? | |
![]() | 2000 - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Two UFOs were photographed Sunday afternoon, August 20, at 3:09 PM hovering on either side of the famous "Copse of Trees" (clump of trees) in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. However, the UFOs were not visible to the witnesses or the photographer, but showed up later in the photograph. There was a fair amount of activity in this area, but no reports were made of any unknown objects around the time the photographs were taken. | |
![]() | 2000 - Popocatepetl Volcano. On 12-21, the main headlines of local newspapers Milenio and Extramex presented a photograph of an unknown, luminous flying object over the erupting volcano Popocatepetl located near from Mexico City and Puebla. The photograph was taken by reporter Alfonso Reyes two days earlier while making a report of the violent awakening of the volcano. It showed a luminous object that contrasted with the black clouds of smoke emanated from the volcano crater. The photo was taken in a 20 seconds exposure time and a 24 mm angular lens according to Mr. Reyes testimony. | |
![]() | 2001 - Norway - I received information from a moderator at our Forum about this photograph. I went over, took a look, and thought it was very interesting, and I think you will too. (B J) I took this photo in Norway in 2001, didn't notice the "UFO" until it was developed. Peter Davenport from the National UFO Reporting Centre reckons it's a seagull flying from left to right, but no matter how hard I look I can't make out a bird shape. source: www.ufocasebook.com | |
![]() | 2001 - Mammoth Mountain, California. Taken on 01-01, by Ron Reznick, a computer tech and professional photographer. To date the object has not been identified. As certain questions as to the authenticity of the photo(s) are sure to come into question, the camera is a Nikon D1, a very professional $5000 digital SLR. The lens is a new Nikkor 17-35mm f/2.8D AF-S EDIF in perfect condition. This is without doubt one of the world's finest wide-angle lenses and is a very expensive lens (I paid $1500 for it a few days before the trip.) | |
![]() | 2001 - Foster City, California, May 18. This photograph and its companions needs much more information than I presently have. All I know is that it was taken by someone who called themselves Ilem. The photographer took several superb photographs of a UFO seen clearly in the night sky of California. Because there are two excellent photos, I have made a small webpage to display both images at full size. Each has its own enhanced, enlarged inset. If these are real, they are undeniable proof of UFOs. | |
![]() | 2001 - Melbourne, Australia. The Sun Herald newspaper sent the following information and photoraphs to Ross Dowe: I have decided to send you some shots taken from my back porch in Kilsyth, Victoria, a few weeks ago. At the time my televison showed static and all the dogs in the area combined in a wonderful chorus. Picture taken on 06-20-01. credits - Rev. B.Chatham | |
![]() | 2001 - Manhattan, New York - July. Taken by Yancy Spence. Spence was an eyewitness to the Linda Cortile abduction in Manhattan. He is a member of the Intruders Foundation, and was at the location of the original event, when he took photos of several UFOs which were hovering over Cortile's apartment building. photo © Yancy Spence. thanks Yancy. | |
![]() | 2001 - Budapest, Hungary. A military pilot recorded this shiny, disc shaped UFO on video tape on September 29. The pilot stated: To my left, I saw a bright, metal aircraft that was the shape of a perfect disc. I was careful to film the object, not to try and chase it since I could not match its speed. A great UFO picture. | |
![]() | 2002 - Calais Region, France. According to the newspaper "La voix Du Nord" of March 10, 2002, CEPS, "an association collected documents, such as this photography made by chance which are carefully preserved by the brother of Claude Plessis, Yves, owner of a textile shop in Calais. The negatives of this photograph, expertised, were certified authentic (that does not imply that it is a flying saucer). At the time, the thesis of a sudden apparition of a cloud that dissipated at once did not convince." | |
![]() | 2002 - San Dimas, California - April 21. Sighting description: I did not see the object until later in the evening while reviewing the pictures I had taken with my new digital camera. I was snapping a series of shots to put together a large landscape. I have shown this image around to the newspaper and JPL and CAL POLY Pomona, but they say that since I did not see it at the time or hear anything then there isn't much to go on - agreed. I still think the object in the shot is very typical of what is described as a "UFO" and believe it deserves to be posted for others to critque and not buried in my hard drive. compliments - Aaron Eskridge, thanks to www.nwsurc.com | |
![]() | 2002 - Glasgow, Scotland. The photographer or hoaxer said he took the picture at about 10:00 P.M. in Glasgow, Ayrshire, Scotland. He said: "At around 10 PM, 2 months ago, I was looking out my window (I was actually looking for my cat that had ran out the door) when I saw this strange thing in the sky. As soon as I saw it I just grabbed my digital camera and took a picture. "After I took the picture I turned round to give the camera to my girlfriend, looked back and it was gone.There was no noise just total silence. P.S. The pic isn't great, my hands were a bit shaky." | |
![]() | 2002 - Oahu, Hawaii. On Sunday, January 12, The UFO Casebook received the following photograph and information. My girlfriend and I discovered this in a photograph that was taken on a digital camera in Oahu, Hawaii on the 25th of November. We only noticed the object circling when reviewing the photos a week or two later. We were on the beach on the north side of Diamond Head crater watching the sunset. Review of several other photos taken at the same time reveals nothing peculiar. | |
![]() | 2002 - Oregon - A family from Monmouth visting Cape Meares was taking pictures of the scenery. Excited about the photos afterwards, the photographer noticed something odd about one of them as he was uploading to computer. Closer examination revealed the UFO in top right portion of photo. No anomalies were found in the film or camera to account for the UFO. Thanks to Oregon UFO Research. | |
![]() | 2002 - Las Cruces, New Mexico. Taken on October 5. Witness stated: I took 4 pictures of the mountains to the west of Las Cruces, NM. The camera was a Canon G2 digital. The last shot taken at 4:49 PM was enlarged after downloading to a computer. Only then were the images of 2 objects noticed in the sky. One in the upper left was disk-shaped and appeared metallic in luster. A second object, below and to the right of the first, was apparently much smaller and/or further away. A previous shot taken 2 minutes earlier showed no objects. | |
![]() | 2002 - Norwich, Norfolk - According to eyewitness testimony of the woman, she sensed something was about to happen before the UFO was seen. This was taken in 2002 over her flat in Norwich with a 35 mm camera with 400 ISO film, using a telephoto lens. original source: www.nationalufocenter.com | |
![]() | 2003 - New Westminster, BC - A video was taken August 11, around 6:20 PM of a daylight disc. The observer's wife saw a round object hovering over the trees, that flipped over and it turned bright blood red. She yelled for me, I came out and saw a cigar-shaped object, I then ran back inside, to get my new camcorder and pointed at the disc, but I had a hard time locating it at first, it was flying very fast. I was shocked. I wasn't laughing when I reviewed the tape. I'm using a JVC mini DV, GR-d90 camcoder. Thanks to Mark and Jeff Rense, http://www.rense.com/general40/daydisc.htm | |
![]() | 2003 - Wisconsin-Photographer was taking photos of Mars, which was rising early on 01-08-03. Mars was close to Venus, and the witness took several photographs. He was not happy with his first photos, because of the cloud cover. So, he took a few more snaps, and just before calling the session over, he noticed a slow moving object, fairly bright to the naked eye. He took a couple of photos of it, and was surprised later when he reviewed the photos. What he captured on film was a definite triangle shaped object. Taken at 7:18 AM. | |
![]() | 2003 - United Kingdom. Air Show. GOODWOOD FESTIVAL. Santiago Yturria writes, "On September 5, 2003, at the Revival air show, two aircraft were flying in formation above the crowd when a disc entered the formation at 1:35 PM. Aviation expert Don Berliner informs me that he identified the aircraft as a US Navy F4U Corsair, and a P-40 Tomahawk fighter in Chinese Flying Tiger markings. The disc is about one third the size of the P-40, that has a wingspan of 37.3 feet or about 12 to 13 feet. Simon, a 29-year-old from West Sussex was filming the event with a JVC Hi-8 PAL camcorder and his images are excellent. | |
![]() | 2003 - Mexico - September 11. The great UFO photo was taken by a webcam which monitors the historic Mt. Popocatapeti in Mexico. The original source is: http://www.cenapred.unam.mx/mvolcan.html. This is only one of many photos of unknowns that have been taken over the historic volcano. The area is known for its UFO and anomalous activities, and is under constant watch. | |
![]() | 2003 - Ireland - Clare, County - Cliffs of Mohr, September 21. I was visiting Ireland and took a number of pictures with a digital camera. I took a few pictures of the cliffs using my 3.3 mega pixel digital camera. The cliffs are about 800 feet high above the water on the west coast of Ireland. I took several pictures of the cliffs hoping that some would come out OK, the weather was somewhat overcast that day. I did not visually see the object when I took my pictures. Only when I was viewing the digital pictures on my computer did I notice a "speck" above the cliffs. When I zoomed in on the speck I was surprised, to say the least. One of our local UFO people suggested that It might be an "artifact" on or in the camera, although none of my other photos (immediately before or after) showed such an artifact. source: http://www.hbccufo.com | |
![]() | 2003 - Kentucky. Michael Franklin and his wife Marsha, reside on their farm in Ellsberry where they enjoy observing nature. After mounting his "deer camera," at a hilltop grazing area to photograph through the night on Tuesday, Sept. 23, and into the next morning, the Franklin observed images that perplexed them. ."We realized that the shapes in the sky were not normal... we just decided that people needed to see these pictures.” | |
![]() | 2003 - Iceland. Photo taken in Lyngdalsheidi on March 29. This is an extremely interesting photo. It was taken by a 40 year old man, through his car's windshield. He was only trying to capture the extraordinarily beautiful landscape when he snapped the photo. He did not see the unknown object when the picture was taken, but noticed later when uploading to his computer. | |
![]() | 2003 - The Netherlands. Taken in Amersfoort, Netherlands on May 17, 2003. Multiple witness sighting. The photo was taken by a 36 year old limo driver with an HP 620 digital camera. The smaller objects in the photo seemed to be controlled by the larger object. Later, as he viewed the photo, he counted as many as twenty unknowns in the image. | |
![]() | 2003- Trout Lake, Washington. Taken in the summer of 2003, Trout lake, Washington, on Flat Top Mountain. Picture was being taken of Mt. Hood, which can be seen in the distance. Like many other digital photos as of late, the photographer did not notice the object at the time he took the pic. Only later, when uploading to computer was the unknown object noticed. source: Ron Schultz. | |
![]() | 2003 - Oklahoma. Taken September 20 in Yukon. Oklahoma. Witness/photographer was drinking a cup of coffee in his backyard when he first noticed something moving in the sky. The object soon stopped and hovered. Witness ran and grabbed his Sony cybershot and snapped the photo. Object soon quickly disappeared. | |
![]() | 2003 - Taiwan. Taken in the mountains of central Taiwan in September, 2003. The photographer couldn't believe his eyes when the saw the object, as he was taking a photo of the unusual cloud formation, which is worth seeing in the full size image. credited to Brian Thompson, Taiwan. | |
![]() | 2003 - New Hampshire. November 6-On the 25th of October in Plymouth, Joy P. was in the middle of a train trip. While observing the landscape, she decided to take photographs of the passing scenery. One of her pictures of red deer in a forest would show a strange, flying craft of a trianglar shape. According to the Joy's statement on the North American website Coast to Coast, when making the series of photographies, she never observed anything out of the ordinary while taking the landscape pictures. | |
![]() | 2003 - United Arab Emigrates Jan, 11 - Raga St. Alghurair. Mr. Muhaned Awamah, a computer programmer, who lives in Raqa St-Alghurair City Dubai, saw Sat 11, Jan, 2003 at 9:40 PM, a strange object that suddenly appeared from the clouds. Immediately, he got his camera and took a clear shot of it. Mr. Muhaned says "I am very lucky to photograph this object, my camera already had film in it." He added, "I believe in intelligent beings in other planets and this picture is solid proof." He continued: "I was sitting on my apartment balcony when the UFO suddenly appeared. It had bright lights. Then it started moving toward Ghurair only to disappear suddenly, leaving behind bright, fiery light which started disappearing slowly within seconds. | |
![]() | 2003 - Yorkshire, U K. The UFO Casebook received this information from the Northumberland UFO Research Center: We cut the object from the original picture, enlarged, and inserted it into the photo. It certainly appears to me to be a flattened, oval object of unknown origin. Photo taken by Mr Leigh Whellans of Widdrington, Northumberland, England. Mr Whellans was on a day trip to a theme park called Flamingo Land in Yorkshire with his family and took a good number of photos over the course of the day with a Fuji Fine Pix A204 digital camera. | |
![]() | 2003 - Plymouth, UK - February. This amazing photograph snapped over Plymouth is being called one of the best pictures of a UFO ever taken. A city-based amateur photographer captured this image when he was trying out his new hi-tech digital camera at night. It shows what can only be described as an 'unidentified flying object' hovering above St Budeaux. Another, equally stunning, snap shows the same brightly-illuminated object tilted at a different angle. UFO experts are highly excited by the pictures and the Royal Navy today asked the Herald to supply them with the photos - because they want to study them. | |
![]() | 2003 - Skurowa, Poland, July 26. The sighting occurred on Saturday, July 26, 2003, at 14.00 hours. The unidentified object was first noticed as it flew above the city of Skurowa at an extremely high altitude. Then it changed course and flew over a market. About this time, several aircraft were dispatched to check out the UFO. The photographer of the object quickly ran to his balcony, and took several photos of the object; the one displayed here being the best of the lot. When photos were taken, the object was not very clear to the witness, who hoped that the film would show the object good enough for study. The report stirred enough publicity in the area that a local newspaper carried the report with photograph. | |
![]() | 2003 - Rosario, Mexico - UFO picture was taken Saturday, December 27 between 1 and 1:30 AM in the "El Patio de la Madera" sector of the city of Rosario. The luminous object traveled from west to east at a speed similar to that of an airliner. Upon seeing the object, the eyewitness ran for his camcorder but couldn't find a free tape, so he chose not to waste any more time and used his digital camera. | |
![]() | 2003 - Lake Erie. N. Y. I was out with the family on a Sunday drive to Lake Erie. We wanted to find a cottage I used to go to as a child. It turned out to be right across a bay from the Fermi II nuclear power plant. We took 3 pictures of the plant with our digital camera. When we got home and downloaded the pictures, we found a weird anomaly in the 3rd picture. We didn't see anything unusual when we took the picture. We've taken over 1000 pictures with this camera and nothing unusual except this picture. Seems kind of weird that it just happens to be above a nuclear power plant. | |
![]() | 2003 - Canada. Summer. Witness states: I was on my way to my parents' for the weekend. Stopped just after Port Perry, Ontario, Canada to take a photo of the rainbow (as seen). Never looked at the the photo again until August of 2004 (was just copied to my hard-drive and forgotten). What a surprise and shock when I open the photo today. Thinking back when this photo was taken it was a digital camera (1600 X 1200 setting). I had pulled over and was out of the car standing on the side of the road. I do not remember seeing anything before or after the photo was taken. | |
![]() | 2003 - The Netherlands - Sunday, October 26 - Dutch couple went for a walk in Westerbork (up north). They also walked on the so-called Milky Way path along the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT). Around 2:45 PM the man took several pictures of the Radio Telescopes, with an interval of approx. 5 minutes. He didn't see anything unusual until he looked back at the pictures the next day. On one picture of the first Radio Telescope he noticed a strange object. | |
![]() | 2003 - France - St. Tropez - August 5, 11:30 AM. The story began two weeks ago when I was taking some photos of chemtrails outside my house. When I returned home I was looking at the photo's and noticed a dark object in the sky above the chemtrail. As I zoomed into the picture it appeared to be unidentified. As you zoom into the picture there seems to be a figure of eight around the dark object, similar to an energy field. original source: www.hbbcufo.com |
UFO Pictures 1990's
![]() | 1990 - Wallonia, Belgium - This photograph was part of the Belgian Wave of 1989-1990. Taken by J.S. Henrardi on June 15, 1990. Mr. Henrardi released all copyright ownership to the photograph in 2003, making it available for public use.The object very closely resembles the Petit Rechain triangle (further down page), also part of the Belgium wave. The triangles were reported by hundreds of witnesses during the wave over Belgium. |
![]() | 1990 - Alkmaar, Netherlands. This one was taken in Alkmaar, Netherlands, 1990, allegedly by Klaas Rutanga. It shows a silver-metallic disc with a top.Very close to the many UFOs taken in Mexico only 3 or 4 years later. No other details available at this time. |
![]() | 1990 - Canaima, Venezuela, 1990. This photograph confirmed mutiple witness UFO visual observations. This one is interesting in another aspect.; it shows the same type of UFO as those seen on the controversial photographs at Gulf Breeze, Florida, by Ed Walters.Taken in January. Just after the photograph was taken, the object became orange and luminous and shot upwards in the sky. It was not seen again. The larger photo clearly shows a type of beam from the object to the ground. A very interesting photo. |
![]() | 1990 - Petit Rechain, Belgium. One of the most famous UFO pictures ever taken. The photographer, to my knowledge, still remains unnamed.Taken on an April night during a well known "wave," the photo very clearly shows a triangle-shaped object with lights. One of the best proofs of UFOs we have. Original photo was too dark to show object outline, and had to be lightened. |
![]() | 1991 - Los Angeles, California. This photograph was taken by one Dorothy Drudge, near the Los Angeles International Airport. She stated that it was so foggy you could hardly see.The object never made a sound, and was gone in a heartbeat. |
![]() | 1991 - Space Shuttle Discovery, mission "STS-51a." Enlargement of the light metal coloured sphere taken from the video camera on board the Space Shuttle Discovery.The UFO is similar to the one seen on mission "STS-37" of April 1991. UFO is considered to be space debris by debunkers. |
![]() | 1991 - Space Shuttle Atlantis, mission "STS-37" During the mission of the Space Shuttle Atlantis "STS-37," a metallic object arrives from the top and then swings in front of the video camera (it moves to the right and to the left, up and down).In the background we can see the earth. |
![]() | 1991 - Atlixco, Puebla, Mexico. This glowing red UFO with lights was taken by the Puebla Judicial Police on July 7, 1991, after they were called out on a call from residents of an unknown object in the area. |
![]() | 1991 - Grangemouth, Scotland. It was on 12th November at around 9.30 PM, that friends Phil Trevis (previously known as Peter Muir, a pseudonym used in previous SPI accounts) and Paul Penman (pseudonym) were out taking photographs for a project called 'Light and Dark.' The following is the written testimony by Phil Trevis, as given to SPI."My friend and I were taking photographs of the BP chemicals plant in Grangemouth (from Polmont Reservoir) when we noticed a dim, or rather, two small dim flashing lights over by the two 'flashing pylons' at Kincardine Bridge. We watched the object, which we thought was a helicopter, fly slowly over from the bridge to above the brightly lit Grangemouth Stadium. We watched it hover for around five minutes. It was then that we noticed that the 'craft' wasn't making any noise. Normally, if it was a helicopter, we would have heard the blades. It then turned around and faced our direction. "It was roughly 2,000 feet above the ground, then it dipped and increased dramatically in speed. At the point of the photograph, it was about 200 to 300 feet directly above us. It was then that we heard the light 'pulsing hum' of the object. My friend and I were quite shaken at the time, but afterwards had an overwhelming sense of excitement." credits: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ufophysics/grangemouth.htm |
![]() | 1992 - Tepotzlan, Mexico. This dramatic photograph is just one of many photographs taken by Carlos Diaz. He is a very controversial figure in Ufology.Alleging to be a contactee, and making direct alien contact, he is considered a charlatan by many Ufologists, yet his photos and videos have been accepted by some. This one was taken in 1992, in the same area where he continues to contact alien beings. |
![]() | 1992 - Kikar Hamedina, Tel Aviv, Israel. These pictures were taken by Udi and Smadar Baraban. They took several pictures of three glowing objects, watching them for 30 minutes.1992 - Four years after the couple claims they were visited by grey aliens with silvery rays in their eyes. Smadar claims: "they paralized me and sucked out info." |
![]() | 1992 - Teotihuacan - from Inexplicata - The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - March 10, 2006 - Professor Ana Luisa Cid presents us with the following images of UFO activity at the ancient ruins of Teotihuacan to the northeast of modern Mexico City.Photo taken by Baltazar García taken on June 25, 1992, at 15:00 hours at the esplanade of Teotihuacan, State of Mexico. © Baltazar Garcia. |
![]() | 1993 - Jalisco, Guadalajara, April 24 - This photograph was taken in the state of Jalisco in 1993. Several years later more reports of UFOs are made from the same area.On Saturday, January 3, 1998, at 3 AM, airline pilot Gary Sanders, who has 24 years of flying experience in the USAF, saw a reddish-colored light move rapidly from east to west, then the object suddenly changed direction by about 135 degrees of turn and very sharply, twice, defying "any laws of flight and physics that I am aware of." On Saturday, December 5, 1998, between 7 and 7:30 PM, thousands of people in the states of Jalisco and Aguascaliente in Mexico watched a UFO described as "a very bright white light" fly over the Sierra Madre mountains. |
![]() | 1993 - Meridan, Idaho - This picture was originally taken in 1993 outside Meridian, Idaho. I've made several copies and distributed them to some people, but no one seems to have taken it seriously.The sighting lasted for around 1.5 minutes. It seemed to circle around, changing its speed. When I first saw it, it was moving at incredible speed, about as fast as military fighter jet; it slowed once to a hover (during which moment I snapped the photo), then jumped back into high speed and flew upward and into the distance. The only noise it made was as it whooshing sound, I didn't hear any whirring or roaring of engines. |
![]() | 1994 - Gulf Breeze, Florida. Ed Walters. After some "not so clear" video footage of UFOs, Walters decided to get a good photograph of a UFO he saw outside his house on January 12, 1994.His Canon camera with a Soligor Autozoom 70-220 mm (f/3.5) lens was in his office and loaded with Konica XG100 film. He grabbed the camera and walked quickly onto his deck where he pointed it toward the UFO. He twisted the barrel of the lens to the infinity focus position and zoomed in on the UFO. The results you see here are bonifide proof of UFOs, the unknown object is partially blanketed by an F-15. Thanks to Bruce Maccabee. For detailed analysis see: full report. |
![]() | 1994 - New York, N.Y. World Trade Center. Yes, even before the infamous world trade center UFO video of 2000, there were supposedly UFOs flying around the twin towers.This particular photograph was allegedly taken by an Italian tourist in 1994. What the object is, I don't have a clue, but it is a UFO in the true sense of the word. Click to see full size image, which has one of the Towers in it. |
![]() | 1995 - Kazakhstan, Russia. A picture taken by Semyon Teglyov in the region of Bogadinski, Kazakhstan, on April 27, 1995.An excellent photograph of the traditional shaped flying disc. |
![]() | 1996 - Hungary - October 27th. Lajos Kosina was visiting his girl friend's parents house in the small village of Erpatak in the county of Szabolcs-Szatmar. His girlfriend posed for one snapshot in her parents' garden and no one noticed anything unusual in the sky at the time.HUFON has studied the photograph using both optical and computer techniques on the original negative and have concluded that that the UFO is not a result of a film fault, nor is it a small model suspended on a wire. HUFON researchers are convinced that it is a genuine UFO and not the result of a hoax. |
![]() | 1996 - California - Photo taken on July 6, 1996, on the Armagosa range by Jim W.No more information is available at this time. |
![]() | 1996 - Denver - This photo appeared in a recent issue of UFOCUS, but it was not in color. It was taken in Denver, Colorado, in January, 1996, by Joe Clower, who was photographing some workmen painting the gold balls on a city monument.He was waiting for the workmen to get ready for the photograph when he saw this strange bell-shaped flying object in the sky. Clower took two photographs of the UFO, the one posted here the best of the two. |
![]() | 1997 - Bethel, New York. September 27. My family has just moved to Rhinebeck, and we were having a very nice drive. It was a bright sunny day. I am a huge music fan, and had always wanted to see where the original 1969 Woodstock was held.I knew it was in Bethel, which is only around an hour away. To make a long story short, we found the field in Bethel, there is a monument there, etc. and I was shooting a lot of videotape of the monument, the field, and my family goofing around in the field. As I was taping, I heard a big flock of geese "honking" overhead so I turned my camera to the sky and started taping them. As they were all heading the same way, in formation, I suddenly noticed something else enter the viewfinder, heading the opposite direction and was not a goose. It maneuvered very quickly as to avoid the flock. I didn't know what it was, so I stopped taping, to see if I could follow it with my eyes, not through the camera. I could not find it after that? I'm very familiar with glare, and other optical effects caused by sunlight in photography, but this was clearly not that. |
![]() | 1997 - Phoenix, Arizona. One of the most publicized UFO events in history.First observed in a hexagram pattern at about 7:30 PM over the Superstition Mountains area east of Phoenix, the characteristic 8+1 formation of amber orbs was next seen in two separate arc patterns with "trailing lights" over the Gila River. They were spotted about 9:50 and again at 10:00 at the southern edge of Phoenix, were they were seen by thousands and videotaped by a handful who had camcorders close enough at hand to catch the fleeting minutes of their displays. |
![]() | 1997 - Phoenix, Arizona. Taken by Dr. Lynne Kietei, who also wrote a book on the Phoenix Lights, and took video footage of the phenomena.The good doctor has been a real proponent on getting the truth out about the Phoenix situation. She has taken a lot of ridicule for her actions, especially being a professional person who is "supposed to know better." A truly amazing photo this is, clear and impossible to assign some known craft to. |
![]() | 1997 - British Columbia, Canada. This picture was taken near Prince George, British Columbia, on June 24, 1997.Taken early afternoon, it shows what appears to be a discoid shape. Very typical of UFOs taken during the seventies. |
![]() | 1997 - Georgia - No other information available. |
![]() | 1998 - Turkey. Taken in Karagol, near Izmir. Two friends, Cem Arat and Mehmet Safak, had taken a UFO photo at the location in February, 1996, and had often revisited the site to capture another.They finally got lucky at the beginning of 1998, when another UFO revealed itself. This photograph has been examined by Dr. Ahmet Imancer, head of the Photograph and Graphic Dept. Aegean University of Izmir, who was convinced that photo was not hoaxed. |
![]() | 1998 - Lladudno Beach, UK. Thanks to Margaret Fry who said that this photo was taken in the summer of 1998 by a couple and their young son who were watching a display by the helicopter from RAF Valley, Anglesey.The film wasn't developed until two years later, in March 2000, when the couple finally finished the reel of film. The amazing thing is, they had forgotten about the Llandudno photos they had taken two years earlier and were using the camera in 2000 to photograph UFOs in the shape of white arrows they were seeing regularly over West Shore, Llandudno. |
![]() | 1999 - Pisaq, Peru. Adriano Forgione wrote: "March 9, 1999, a beautiful photo was sent to us by our correspondent in Udine.A photo showing a golden object hovering above Inca ruins of Pisaq in Perù. The photo was shot by Silvia Z., the girlfriend of our correspondent during a vacation in Perù in the summer 1998. The date of event was 16 August. The object is there in the negative film too. The analysis of a photo laboratory have excluded fault on the film and in the developing process. Computer analysis are on going in this moment by our computer expert. If the photo is true I think that the object could be a light craft or Apu (like the Incas call them spirits)." - Adriano Forgione, Head Journalist, Notiziario UFO (Rome-Italy) |
![]() | 1999 - Mt. Popo, Mexico. Taken over Mt. Popocateptl, Mexico on June 29. The famous volcano-topped mountain has been the site for many strange phenomena, including several excellent shots of UFOs.What interest there could there for extraterrestrial intelligence is anyone's guess, but there are some possiblities. Go to the full size pic for full impact. |
UFO Pictures1980s
![]() | c. 1980 - France. The witness was sitting on the passenger's seat taking landscape photographs under the rain when suddenly this luminous object appeared.The photograph is from the UFO files of the Gendarmerie Nationale, which does not list much about the picture. Be sure and see the larger image on this one. Quite impressive it is, as a type of large beam can clearly be seen from the object which seems to hover below a mountainous forest. |
![]() | 1981 - Vancouver, Canada. On October 8, 1981, Hannah Roberts was traveling toward Kelsey Bay by the Isle of Vancouver. Along with friends, she stopped to take some photographs of the surrounding landscape.Several days afterwards, when the photographs were developed, they noticed in one photograph a discoidal object in the sky. They do not remember noticing anything in the sky at the time photograph was taken. Richard F. Haines, a retired NASA scientist who became a famous Ufologist, carried out a thorough analysis of the negative and could not discover any anomalies. His analysis is inserted in the scientific report of the Sturrock Panel. |
![]() | 1981 - Argentina - This photograph was taken in Saavedra, Argentina by one Leopoldo Diaz.No other information is available at this time. |
![]() | 1982 - 83 - East Germany. This is an excellent photograph. The picture was given to UFO researcher Michael Hesemann on a lecture tour.A retired officer of the National People's Army of the old GDR entrusted the photo to Hesemann, telling him that a comrade of his took the picture during a close encounter one night during a training exercise. A photo from that domain is extremely rare. |
![]() | 1984 - Hoboken, New Jersey, May 9 1984. Taken by Philipe Orego. Image shows either a triangular-shaped object or three or more objects flying as a unit.Taken over the Manhattan skyline. The photograph has been examined by researchers who found no sign of a hoax. Nice photo. |
![]() | c. 1985 - Nuzidath, Israel. This picture was taken in the village of Nuzidath and published by Gil Bar aided by Adrian Dvir's technical equipment.This picture is a difficult one to draw any type of conclusion from. Are we looking at a bright light of a domed top with windows below, or is it something else? |
![]() | 1987 - Corydon, Indiana, August 23. At approximately 10:20 PM, an object described as brilliant orange, suddenly materialized in the SSE.The suddenness and the brilliant orange, flare-like characteristics were unmistakably unusual. The elevation of the object was approximately 20-25 degrees at the beginning of the sighting. The object appeared to be an orange headlight and appeared to be either hovering or moving toward the witnesses. At one point there was a rapid descent down to the left, all the time the brilliance varied only slightly. Several times the light winked completely out, only to flare up again. After about 5-8 minutes, the object went into a flat W-E flight mode at a relatively slow rate of speed at an elevation of 10-15 degrees. Actually a frame grab from video. |
![]() | 1987 - Connecticut - Randy Etting was taking a walk outside his home. A commercial airline pilot with over 30 years experience, he always looked at the sky... he saw a number of orange and red lights approaching from the west.He got his binoculars and called his neighbors to come outside. The object by this time was a great deal closer and seemed to be over I-84, just east of Etting's home. The lights were shimmering like distortion from engine heat, but he could hear no sound. "As the UFO passed over I-84, cars in both the east and west bound lanes began pulling over and stopping. The UFO displayed a semi-circular pattern of very bright multicolored lights. Five motorists reported that, as the object became visible, a number of cars lost power and had to pull off the highway. |
![]() | 1987 - Gulf Breeze, Florida. Of the many accounts of UFO sightings, photographs, and videos, the sensational reports that originated in Gulf Breeze, Florida, are some of the most controversial.Gulf Breeze was a small city of approximately 6,000 at the time of the wave of sightings that began in the winter of 1987. News of UFO photos par excellence spread rapidly and far, becoming a world-wide sensation, and the subject of a plethora of newspaper and magazine articles, and television talk and feature programs... continued in next clip. |
![]() | 1987 - Gulf Breeze, Florida. Though many sighted the elusive flying craft and snapped photographs of the glowing lights, the majority of attention was on one Edward Walters, a local building contractor.According to Walters, the sightings began on November 11, 1987. He was working late that night when his attention was drawn to a light coming from his yard. As he went to the window to get a better vantage point, he saw a glowing object partially obscured by a 30 foot tall pine tree in his front yard. Racing outside to get a clearer view of the object, he was taken back by the sight before him. He was staring at an object with the shape of a top... |
![]() | 1987 - Gulf Breeze, Florida. It had a row of dark squares which were separated with portals between them. The craft seemed to hover just above the road, showing a glowing ring around its bottom.Ed ran into his house, and grabbed his Polaroid camera. He snapped off several photos of the craft before deciding to get even closer. He headed into the road. As he paused in the street to take more photos of the strange object, it began to hover almost directly over his head. Walters was then hit by a bright bluish beam which shot from the object... |
![]() | 1987 - Gulf Breeze, Florida. He was literally lifted from the ground by its force. It was then that he heard a voice say, "Don't worry, we will not harm you."Images began to enter his mind. Ed stated the images were revealed to him "as if they were turning the pages of a book." The next thing Walters remembered was waking up. The glowing UFO was nowhere to be seen. Only a few days later, on November 17, Walters took his photographs and story to the local Gulf Breeze Sentinel newspaper. Ed discussed the photographs with the paper's Editor, and began to relate to him the details of the sighting. The legend of the Gulf Breeze sightings had begun... |
![]() | 1987 - Gulf Breeze, Florida. When the news of the flurry of sightings spread beyond the close knit community of Gulf Breeze, soon the whole world was involved.Both pros and cons were well represented. Shortly after Walters' photos hit the local newspaper, more UFO photographers came forward with their stories or sightings fortified with the proof; more images, both still and moving, and the war was on. Walters became everything from a community leader to a con man, depending on who you listened to... |
![]() | 1987 - Gulf Breeze, Florida. Walters accumulated a catalog of 40+ photographs, many of them controversial. Although many of the photos were corroborated with simultaneous sightings of the craft by others, even the UFO community was divided.This debate continues even today, and the photos and videos from the time period of roughly late 1987 through early 1992 are being analyzed and evaluated. To read the entire background of the Gulf Breeze sightings, see my article HERE. |
![]() | 1988 - Puerto Rico. As you can see, this seems to show a jet fighter chasing a discoid / or wedge shaped object with a protuberance on top and bottom. A reader has sent in this info on this picture.Picture taken by Amaury Rivera. He also took several others after running to his car to get his camera after being abducted at the Laguna Calthena. |
![]() | 1988 - Near Alton, Illinois - I was scanning some old photos into my computer when this turned up. It appears to be a disk.The photo was taken in the fall of 1988 in the Alton, IL area. © Paul Sharp |
![]() | 1988 - Czechoslovakia. August 15. This photograph was submitted by a man whose grandfather worked for the government in classified material.He claims that after his grandfather's death in 2001, he went through a lot of material, finding UFO videos, photographs, etc. This is an excellent picture, if it is legitimate. This is one of those that we need more information on. |
![]() | 1988 - Wloclawek, Poland - Jan B. told about his observations of unidentified flying objects. He even managed to take a photo of one disc in 1988.The first sighting witnessed by him took place in summer 1988. In early afternoon, he was with his cousin in a room and then his son appeared screaming about a falling star. When they went out all of them saw a hovering disc located about 300 meters away. The UFO was reflecting sunbeams and was flashing. Jan B. went for his camera and two other witnesses were observing it with binoculars. Polish UFO Journal 2006 © |
![]() | 1988 - San Jacinto, California, July, - This photo was taken by John R. English, past Director of the "International Aerospace Hall of Fame" (IAHF), San Diego Air & Space Historical center.He was involved in the research, selection, and installation of several US and foreign Astronauts, as well as other significant aviation related candidates. He was a Licensed pilot S.E.L. and a "Diamond" level Soaring pilot (18 years), with approx. 400 flight hours logged, 350 in high performance Sailplanes in multiple flight envelopes and conditions. Two aircraft observed the anomaly, and a chase plane photographed it. |
![]() | 1989 - El Progresso, Guatemala - This photograph was taken at El Progresso, Guatemala, in March. The object was observed by a good hundred witnesses.It is eerily reminiscent of the Trinidade Island photographs, but somewhat better in quality. The photo was shown in local newspapers, and several witnesses documented the taking of the pictures, and the object itself. You can clearly distinguish a hollow or dark section of cone shape at the bottom of the UFO. An excellent photo. |
![]() | 1989 - Nashville, Tennessee. September 27. The photographs of these UFOs were provided by Commander Graham Bethune of the US Navy.He obtained these photographs of a FS-143 saucer from a close friend who claimed to have rendezvoused with another intelligence and requests anonymity. |
![]() | 1989 - Nashville, Tennessee - September 27. These photographs were allegedly taken on September 27, 1989, near Nashville,Tennessee and used to build a model for theatrical events.The photographs show strong circular columns of light shining down from the craft that suddenly stop in mid-air. Our spotlights do not function in this manner. Three more photographs below... |
![]() | 1989 - Nashville, Tennessee. September 27. Picture 3. |
![]() | 1989 - Nashville, Tennessee. September 27. Picture 4. |
![]() | 1989 - Nashville, Tennessee. September 27. Picture 5. |
UFO Pictures 1970's
![]() | 1970s - Taken on Arizona/Utah border. Henry Rowland was doing landscape work for a client in California in the 1970s, and when the client finished paying him for the work he asked Henry, "Do you want to see a picture my brother took last week?"The client returned with this astonishing and detailed picture of a UFO and explained, "My brother went to the mountains last week, and while on the trip he suddenly saw this craft disappear behind a hill. He frantically ran to his car to get his camera, and in the nick of time held it up the split second when the thing reappeared again from behind the hill and shot off into the sky." Henry asked to make a contact print of the original photo, and the image below is this original one-off print. Original source-http://www.neilslade.com/Papers/BrozUFO.html |
![]() | 1970s - This strange glowing object was photographed during the 1970s over Bremerton, Washington. |
![]() | 1970 - Tagish Lake, Yukon, Canada. While travelling along the edge of the lake, Jim and his wife saw seven strange glowing orbs as shown in the photograph.Jim estimated that they were 3 to 4 feet in diameter. They moved about slowly for the estimated 15 minutes that they watched them as he and his wife traveled down the lake. Their friend George was too far back to notice the objects and didn’t even have sight of Jim's boat. His concentration was devoted to the rough water. Jim or his wife never mentioned anything to George until the film was developed, about a week later. |
![]() | 1970 - Taken in Japan some time during 1970. No other information is available. |
![]() | 1971 - Corsica, France - At 4:00 PM on February 12, a family who had recently purchased a new home in the northern part of the French island of Corsica, were preparing their camera to take a picture of the new house when one of the party noticed a glint in the sky and looked up.They all looked up to see a shiny, metallic object glinting brilliantly where it caught the sun's rays in the clear blue sky. The object was disc-shaped and had a low-profile curved dome on the top, with some kind of oval-shaped or rounded-rectangular black marks or openings around its sides. |
![]() | 1971 - Skillingaaryd - Sweden. At 09:55 AM on May 6, 1971, Mr. Lars Thorn, a truck driver, was riding with his son on his motor-bike in the neighborhood of the Skillingaaryd gunnery field in central Sweden, when they caught sight of an unconventional aerial object through the trees in the direction of the bunker."Although it appeared stationary," Lars Thorn said, "It wobbled or rocked to and fro all the time. On the upper side there appeared to be a dome. Just below the dome there was something gray and red, and again just below that, I could see what looked like a green ribbon or band around the rim. The very bottom was red. A whizzing sound came from it at intervals of 10 to 15 seconds on more or less regular spacing." Thorn was able to snap two black and white photographs with his small camera. |
![]() | 1971 - Arkansas. Taken over Hot Springs on April, 17, 1971. No other information available. |
![]() | 1971 - Styria, Austria. Taken in St. Lorenzen, Styria, Austria on May 23, 1971. This is the famous "Rudi Nagora photograph."Nagora and his wife were vacationing in Styria, when he heard a "whizzing" sound from above him. Looking for the source, he saw a shiny, disc which was clear being in front of the clouds. After running to tell his wife, he grabbed his camera and took 12 photographs of the object. His photos are deemed legitimate, and have never been debunked. |
![]() | 1971 - September 4 - An official mapping aircraft of the Costa Rican government took this photograph. The aircraft was flying at 10,000 feet over Lago de Cote.An investigation could not identify the object as any "known" aircraft. Debunkers took some stabs at it, but it is still recognized as authentic by investigators. One of the few photographs of a UFO in or near water. |
![]() | 1971 - The Moon. Two astounding shots from NASA showing very clearly a UFO by the crater Lansberg on the Moon at the time of Apollo 14 mission. Reference: NASA AS14-70-9836/37.There has been a lot of debate on whether or not these photos show lights of an unidentified craft, or are they simply light glares on the capsules window or camera. Difficult to say, but interesting all the same. |
![]() | 1971 - The Moon. In this second shot, the shape of the object looks like the one of a flying saucer with lights! Reference: NASA AS14-70-9836/37. There are two avenues of thought here.First, debunkers say if these really were UFOs why would NASA release the pictures, since they are part of a conspiracy to keep this info from the pubic. Secondly, UFO proponents say that if NASA did NOT release them, then everyone would holler "coverup," and they were hiding UFOs. |
![]() | 1971 - Apollo 15. This photograph is from NASA, and some say we are looking at a UFO on the Moon at the time of Apollo 15 mission. Reference: NASA AS15-85/08.This bluish light mass has been explained as either debris from the capsule or some camera anomaly. Still, a very good picture, and quite a conversation piece. |
![]() | 1971 - Apollo 15, Mission Dates: July 26-August 7, CDR: David Scott, CMP: Alfred Worden, LMP: James Irwin Importance: First use of the Lunar Rover, extended Lunar exploration time, focus on on field geology. NASA archives (photo No AS15-85-11514)Astronaut David Scott on slope of Hadley Delta. UFO is seen at top just right of center. |
![]() | 1971 - Apollo 15, Mission Dates: July 26-August 7, CDR: David Scott, CMP: Alfred Worden, LMP: James Irwin Importance: First use of the Lunar Rover, extended Lunar exploration time, focus on on field geology.NASA archives. Photo NASA No AS15-90-12189 - Mission Apollo 15 on the Moon. UFO top right. |
![]() | 1972 - Apollo 16, Moon Mission Dates: April 16-27, CDR: John W. Young, CMP: Kenneth Mattingly, LMP: Charles Duke, Importance: Explored the Moon's rocky central highlands. NASA archives (photo No AS16-109-17804)Mission Apollo 16 on the Moon. Astronaut John Young on rim of Plum crater gathering lunar rock samples. UFO at top right. |
![]() | 1972 - Apollo 16, Moon Mission Dates: April 16-27, CDR: John W. Young, CMP: Kenneth Mattingly, LMP: Charles Duke, Importance: Explored the Moon's rocky central highlands. NASA archives (photo No AS16-109-17804). Mission Apollo 16 on the Moon.View of Plum crater photographed by Apollo 16 crew during EVA. UFO can be seen at top right. |
![]() | 1972 - Apollo 16, Moon Mission Dates: April 16-27, CDR: John W. Young, CMP: Kenneth Mattingly, LMP: Charles Duke, Importance: Explored the Moon's rocky central highlands. NASA archives (photo No AS16-109-17804) Mission Apollo 16 on the Moon.Astronaut Charles Duke photographed collecting lunar sample at Station 1. The UFO is seen at just right of top center. |
![]() | 1972 - September 24 - Las Lunas, New Mexico. A farmer in Las Lunas, Mexico, returning to town, spotted several small objects "fluttering" along a few dozen feet above the desert scrub.They were small, about three feet in diameter, silver in color and made a buzzing sound. Similar domed disc-shaped objects were seen and photographed in the same area about five years later. This picture has long been thought to be a hoax, because of its clarity, and proximity to the witness. |
![]() | 1972 - Quebec, Canada. The witness to this UFO wishes to remain anonymous. He was fishing at a lake when he first noticed this strange object moving below the clouds.He was able to get his camera and take one photograph before the object disappeared from his view. |
![]() | 1972 - Herbault, France. Photograph captured near Montferrrier in the department of Hérault on September 16, 1972. It is ashamed that there is not more detail here, as this could be a very good image of a UFO.The darkness of the object seems to indicate a possible hoax. |
![]() | 1973 - Louisville, Kentucky. "It was about 2:00 PM I'd guess. I didn't hear anything. I had just seen two chipmunks scampering around the base of a Sycamore tree. Then I looked up and, by God, there it was... this round flying saucer. That's all I know to call it," reported an electronics technician from Louisville.The man took six pictures in all, two of which were blurred because of the object's rapid departure. The pictures and negatives were examined by the COURIER-JOURNAL photo staff, and if the photos were faked, they were fakes of the highest quality. There were no other sightings in this area at this time. |
![]() | 1973 - June. - Ontario, Canada. Two individuals were standing in the back yard of a home in Ontario. They were watching what they thought was an airplane approaching.As it moved closer, they noticed it was totally silent and moving very low to the ground. One of the men ran for the camera, and took 7 pictures. |
![]() | c.1973 - Ontario, Canada. The photographer remains anonymous. The witness took a series of photographs of the object. The circular object is clearly seen moving about a clump of trees.The photos have been deemed authentic by various photographic experts. A good, clear image for the time period. |
![]() | 1973 - Chantereine, France. Jean Marc Bisson, aged 16, took this photograph from the window of his residence in Chantereine in the Seine-et-Marne on June 7 between 09:30 - 10:00 PM.He was drawn to the window by the meowings of his she-cat, and there he saw strange gleams in the sky, coming from the Southeast and going towards the Northeast, so he decided to grab his Kodak instamatic camera. The largest of the gleams seen on this photographs had the apparent diameter equivalent to that of the Moon for its central part. |
![]() | 1973 - March 7 - South Carolina. In a rural community several members of a family were shocked to see an unknown object slowly floating towards their farm.A sound could be heard as it approached them. Several fairly clear photos were taken of the UFO. |
![]() | 1973 - Cocoyoc, Mexico, November 3. A Mexican banker and his family saw a strange object approaching rapidly from the East in a clear afternoon sky.His wife said that the object was a round shape, she drew her husband's attention to the object, and while the distance between them and the object decreased they realized that it was not what they had initially thought: it was not a plane, neither a helicopter, nor even a competition balloon. The banker stopped the car on the side of the road and the passengers went out to get a better look at the object. The banker thought about his camera, took it, and made a first photograph at this time. |
![]() | 1974 - Tavernes, France. A classic French UFO picture. Photographed by a French medical doctor who remains anonymous. Taken on March 23, in Tavernes in the department in Var, during a major UFO flap over France.Skeptics doubted the picture on the ground that "luminous rays cannot end like this." Of course they do not, normally. But the skeptics simply forgot to consider that these are not luminous rays, but light emission by ionized air, for example. |
![]() | 1974 - July 7 - Belotie, Yugoslavia. The anonymous witness was driving away from Belotie on the mountain highway system when they took this picture.The UFO appeared hat-shaped, a similar look to the Heflin photos taken 13 years before in Santa Monica, California. Also, amazingly similar to the famous object captured on video from Nellis Air Base. |
![]() | 1974 - Denmark, Scandinavia. Could this be the real thing? I have few details on this picture, but it is obviously a zoomed in portion of a larger image.The UFO is neat looking, but I have no documentation on it to make any type of determination on its authenticity. |
![]() | 1975 - Saas-Fe, Switzerland. July 26. Members of a hunting party spotted this craft hovering low near the ground. It moved almost silently through the surrounding trees.Fortunately, one member was able to snap this photograph of the object. I wish we had a better photograph of this one, it is a traditional disc shape with a top. Still, for 1975 this is an excellent piece of history. |
![]() | 1975 - 1982 - Switzerland One-armed Eduard Billy Meier's UFO photos are unmatched for their clarity. Dubbed the Pleiadian/Plejaran "beamships," his photographs are numerous.Because of his handicap, he used for the most partan Olympus 35 ECR still camera. He also filmed many moving picture sequences using an 8mm movie camera. Meier's photographs and videos are very controversial: he has received praise from some, and ridicule from others. |
![]() | 1975 - Revigny Sur Ornain, France. This photograph was taken by the Gendarmerie patrol on June 6, 1975, near Revigny Sur Ornain. This one was shot at the time when the phenomenon left the ground and shot up to the sky.No simple explanation has been found since for the reported events and the confirming photographs. A very interesting image. |
![]() | 1976 - A Brazilian Airline pilot on a passenger flight shot this photo over the Amazon jungle from the cockpit of his Boeing 727.More information is needed on this one. |
![]() | 1976 - Petaluma, California. Witness states: "I was shooting Ektachrome film on a warm summer evening north of Petaluma, CA, in August 1976. I shot several exposures in a 5 minute period when I was able to capture this shot. Everything is silhouetted as the sun had already gone done but this was easily seen. There are four blue dots on the flat side of the object and the edge would tend to show it was moving very quickly."Enlarging shows quite the detail. A copy was sent in the early 1980s to Walt Andrus who was with MUFON then. Having this on film and going through some strange events made me a believer. Since then, over the past twenty years I have seen a few odd things in the sky that keeps me looking up. credit: 'Zirp Twirp' |
![]() | 1976 - Canary Island, Spain. Although the Canary Island case features a most extraordinary description of aliens and their craft, the occurrence is extremely reliable in that it includes multiple witness reports which agreed in all aspects of the case.The phenomenon began on the night of June 22, 1976, as residents of Tenerife, La Palma, and La Gomera began reporting the sighting of unusual lights in the sky. These lights and their maneuvers were different from anything residents of the area had seen before. You can see my account of this extraordinary UFO case HERE. |
![]() | 1978 - Colfax, Wisconsin. On April 19, 1978, police officer Mark Coltrane was on patrol in the vicinity of Colfax, a small town with thousands of inhabitants in Wisconsin, USA.At midday, he decided to stop the car to eat something in a small isolated area. He noted that his radio was emitting crackles. He then noticed a metallic-looking disc raising towards the the sky at a short distance from the parking space. While the object seemed to move towards him, Coltrane picked up his Polaroid camera, came out of the car and snapped some photographs. The object was so close in one of the images that it is possible to notice some details of its lower surface. Truly amazing photograph. |
![]() | 1978 - Italy. Allegedly taken over the city of Purugia on September 16, 1978. No other information available. |
![]() | 1979 - Malaysia, Butterworth. Photograph taken by an RAAF Serviceman on 2nd January at 6.15 PM. The object was described as glowing in a bright, orange color and had several portholes lining the edge of the saucer shaped UFO.Unfortunately, the photo is black and white, which does have its redeeming qualities, but doesn't help much in validating the pilot's description in this case. |
![]() | 1979 - Oulu, Finland. A picture taken by a man named Rheneas Niequest in Oulu, Finland, on August 11, 1977.If this is authentic, and I have no reason to think not, this is an excellent photograph, especially for the time period. See full size image on this one for sure. |
![]() | 1979 - Suonenjoki, Finland. On March 16, 1979, Jarmo Nykanen took pictures in Suonenjoki, of a tiny, blue glowing bell-shaped object as it moved up the slope of a hill.It ascended and descended and wandered from side to side in its travel. This looks like some type of monitoring device or probe to me. |
![]() | 1979 - A disc "chases" a Phantom jet fighter above Germany on September 19, 1979.The picture was shot by teacher Dr. Karl Maier of Keltern-Weiler with a Polaroid camera. |
![]() | 1979 - California - Taken by Gigi Brobeck in Santa Monica, in February 1979. More details are needed. |
![]() | 1979 - New Zealand, October 27. Two former Air Force photographic analysts called this picture,"inscrutable." In other words, a mystery.This one photograph is from a series of photos, none of the others had an unknown in it. The object was not seen nor heard at the time. Original source: "The Complete Sightings," Peter Brookesmith. |
UFO Pictures 1960-1969
UFO Pictures 1870-1959
![]() | 1870 - Mt. Washington, New Hampshire. This photo is dubbed, "the oldest UFO photograph ever taken." This item was the subject of bidding at Ebay in 2002, when finally the photo was purchased for $385.00 by Samuel M. Sherman, who was the president of Independent-International Pictures Corp.This was originally a "stereo" photograph. Certainly it was difficult to manipulate photos at that time, and remember, there were no flying objects then; at least, not from this world. Thanks to a reader, we now have the original "stereo" photo. |
![]() | 1927 - Oregon. Taken in Cave Junction, Oregon. There is some question as to whether the photo was taken in '26 or '27, but nonetheless, if this is an authentic photograph it is incredible. Reportedly snapped by a volunteer fireman.Be sure to click to see full size image to really appreciate the picture. |
![]() | 1929 - SlideWard - Colorado Ward Sawmill, April - This incident is retold by the photographers daughter: "This photo was taken by my father Edward Pline at the sawmill in Ward where we lived at the time. I think it was 1929. I was about six years old then. My father was there to photograph the sawmill for some reason or another, and as he was taking the photo, he described a 'terrible thunderous bellow,' and a large round thing as big as a very large boulder that moved through the air above them. You can see it in the picture."None of the sawmill workers saw the thing in the photo, but they all heard the sound and felt the ground shudder. Later in my life I tried researching the incident at the County Historical Society, but I did not find any references to it. My father passed on a few years after the incident, and I have not found any surviving sawmill workers from that time." Hetty Pline |
![]() | 1932 - St. Paris, Ohio. This picture was taken of a man named George Sutton near midday, May, 1932. We can see that it was in 1932 from the license plate on the automobile in the photo that accompanied this shot.The unidentified flying object in the picture could not have been a street lamp, simply because there were no street lamps at the time. There are no power poles or power lines visible anywhere in this picture. This picture shows a vintage automobile. The owner of the photo album says there were no electric street lights along this road in those days. Nobody has been able to account for the dark object seen over Sutton's left shoulder in this photograph. |
![]() | 1942 - Los Angeles, California. Only a few months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, on the 25th of February 1942 at 02:25 AM, alarm sirens installed in the event of another invasion began.Unknown flying objects are seen and announced in the sky of the city. A blackout is declared and the anxious, terrified inhabitants follow the instructions by turning all their lights off. At 03:16 AM, anti-aircraft guns open fire on the unidentified flying objects coming from the ocean, and projector beams are searching the sky. Witnesses observe small objects flying at high altitude, of red or silver-plated color, moving in formation at high speed, and untouched by the AAA salvos. This large object was hit by many AAA projectiles, according to the reports. The anti-aircraft defence continued to shoot at UFOs without results. This is one of the most famous UFO photographs ever taken. |
![]() | 1942 - Washington D. C. October 29. This was taken above Washington, D.C. An object at the very right of the frame was initially thought to represent a high-wing monoplane flying down and right from the upper left-hand corner.It appears to be too fast for the shutter, its configuration is more disk-like and it is followed by an exceptionally long dark streak (this extends back and upwards to the top of the frame) that is normally associated with jet aircraft. |
![]() | 1944 - England - This UFO was photographed over England in 1944. Source: "The X Factor" magazine issue 53 (Marshall Cavendish publications).No other information is know about the photograph at this time. |
![]() | 1947 - Morristown, New Jersey. On the morning of July 10, 1947, John H. Janssen, editor of the Daily Record (an American aviation journal) was flying his own plane from Morristown Airport in New Jersey.He spotted six, luminous spherical craft with hazy rings around them flying in a trail high in the sky above him. He grabbed his camera and shot a picture. He was only able to get four of the six objects in the image frame. Two weeks later, on July 23rd, he had another encounter of what looked to him like the same or very similar aircraft. He was again flying his airplane out of Morristown, and was at 6,000 ft. |
![]() | 1947 - July 7 - William Rhodes of Phoenix, Arizona allegedly saw a disk circling his locality during sunset and took two photographs. The resulting pictures show a disk-like object with a round front and a square tail in plane form.These photographs have been examined by experts who state they are true photographic images and do not appear to be an imperfection in the emulsion or in the lens. Often called the "Roswell UFO." Some info taken from: www.nicap.org |
![]() | 1947 - July 4 - U.S. Coast Guardsman, Frank Ryman, of Seattle, Washington, took this photograph of a flying disc taken on July 4, 1947, three days before the infamous Rhodes photographs.The Rhodes’ photos were actually printed in the local paper upside down! Allegedly, one of, if not the first, photograph of a "flying disc." source of Info: http://destinationspace.net/ufo/connors/flyingdiscs.asp |
![]() | 1947 - Scotland. An alleged UFO picture taken in the Outer Hebrides in Scotland in 1947. It is important to see the original picture on this one to get the full effect.This, to me, is a very good picture of an object that is not identifiable by comparision to any known aircraft today. It is obviously a metallic, two layered object which has never been explained away. A true UFO! |
![]() | 1947 - Czaplinek, Poland. This alleged UFO picture was shot at Czaplinek in 1947. The picture was taken at an angle looking up over a mountain, and the larger picture makes a much more believable image, giving the object dimension, and scale.Early photographs like this are very important, coming at a time when photo manipulation was very difficult compared to present time. |
![]() | 1949 - Cincinnati, Ohio. During the Jitney Carnival at the St. Peter and Paul Church in Norwood, Cincinnati, Ohio, Reverend Gregory Miller, purchased from army surplus, an 8 million candle power searchlight.Sergeant Donald R. Berger of ROTC of the University of Cincinnati would operate it. During the height of the festivities, at 08:15 PM, Sgt. Berger's sweeping searchlight suddenly flashed across a stationary, circular object in the sky. Reverend Miller and later others joined in and observed. This was only the beginning. Davidson took ten "still" photographs of the large disc-shaped object that flew in and out of the searchlight beam. |
![]() | 1950 - Redbud, Illinois. April 23. Thanks to one of our readers, we have the following information:Evidently this photo was purportedly taken by a Mr. Dean Morgan who was a part-time photographer who was simply in the area taking photographs at the time of this event. Evidently he didn’t live in Redbud, but Greenville, where he still presently resides at 1520 Willow St. (added 04-08-10) |
![]() | 1950 - May 8 - This is one of the most famous UFO pictures ever taken. Photographed by Paul Trent, and first witnessed by his wife.They were published in a local newspaper in McMinnville, Oregon, shortly thereafter. Soon, the Trent photos were published in Life magazine edition of June 26, 1950. The rest is history. These photos have been deemed authentic for over 50 years. One of the best early photographs of a UFO. |
![]() | 1951 - California - Guy B. Marquand, Jr. took this picture on a mountain road near Riverside, California, on November 23, 1951. He said the object above the skyline was a "flying saucer."One of our readers has sent us the following information: Guy Marquand enlisted in the US Army in LA California on 27/12/1943 Serial # 3921741. He was single and had 4 years of High School and came from Riverside. He is now 84 and lives at 4010 Royal Dr. Carlsbad, CA, with his wife. Evidently some of his family still reside in Riverside. (added 04-08-10) |
![]() | 1951 - Lubbock, Texas - The famous photographs from the "Lubbock lights" in Texas, 31 August 1951. Years later, ignoring all testimonies and evidences, skeptics stated that these objects were... birds.This most ridiculous explanation was typical of how early UFO photos were often explained away. Carl Hart Jr. an 18-year-old student took this famous picture with his Kodak camera. There were at least 100 witnesses who saw the objects. This is one of the classics of Ufology. |
![]() | 1952 - Barra da Tijuca, Brazil, May 7 - While covering a news event for O'Cruzeiro Magazine, reporters Ed Kessel and Joao Martins saw an unusual flying object approaching their location.Kessel snapped five black and white pictures of the object as it came right over them. The Brazilian Air Force would later find as many as 40 witnesses who saw the object. |
![]() | 1952 - Washington D. C. During the dawn of Ufology in the United States, unidentified flying objects made themselves known to the leaders of the free world in 1952, buzzing over the White House, the Capitol building, and the Pentagon.Seemingly the unknown objects were defying the very governmental agencies sworn to protect the United States from foreign powers. Washington National Airport and Andrews Air Force Base picked up a number of UFOs on their radar screens on July 19, 1952, beginning a wave of sightings still unexplained to this day. |
![]() | 1952 -Lac Chauvet, France, July 18. A collection of pictures that have been filed and studied by the French GEPAN, then SEPRA state financed investigation committee, and considered genuine.The photograph was taken by André Fregnale. The image underwent an investigation by Claude Poher, director of the GEPAN, and he deemed that the photograph was not a fraud, but a genuine UFO. A very good picture. |
![]() | 1952 - Salem, Massachusetts. July 16, 1952. During the peak of the 1952 UFO Flap, Shel Alpert, a USCG seaman on duty in the Coast Guard Weather Office at the Salem Coast Guard Station, saw four brilliant lights in the sky.He called another Guardsman to see the lights, but in those few seconds the lights had become more dim. When they brightened again, he quickly took a single photograph through the window of the office. This photo has been published in many books, newspapers and magazines. An excellent piece of evidence. |
![]() | 1952 - Passaic, New Jersey. George Stock was working in his yard on July 28, 1952, when this dome-shaped saucer appeared.Because it hovered over transmission lines before heading for him, he was able to get five photos. Only one is included here, but all of them are similar. A great early photo! |
![]() | 1953 - Moumra, Italy. I have almost no info on this photograph. Reportedly taken in Moumra, Italy, on December 1, 1953, the picture is barely usable.I enhanced it to get some of the graininess removed. A group of people seem to be fixed on the odd formation of unknown objects. See full size for greater effect. |
![]() | 1953 - Paris, France, Eiffel Tower. Double discs are seen passing over Eiffel Tower at 3:45 AM, in 1953 as M. Paulin took this picture.The photograph is from the Michael Mann collection and was published in TRUE Magazine at the time. A very interesting photograph, and not a bad one considering the time period, and the distance from camera to object. Look at the original image to see the two objects over the Tower. |
![]() | 1954 - Australia. This very compelling photograph of a clearly defined round UFO with top and antenna was taken by sheep farmer W. C. Hall in 1954. If you look real closely, you might see another unknown object in the distance just above a mountain.An excellent photo, and for a newspaper clipping, it is in excellent condition. Here is additional information provided by a reader: August, 1954 - Australian Sheep Grower W. C. Hall saw six petrol tank-shaped UFOs land on his ranch in North Queensland, Australia. His chickens, cattle and even the jack rabbits on his farm were affected by an oddly colored exhaust fumes of the UFOs, which he believed brought about a change in the genes of animal life on his ranch, due to Atomic Radiation, as various freaks were born afterwards. |
![]() | 1954 - Sicily, Italy, December 10. Four men are staring upward at two very odd shapes in the sky.The photographer was questioned about his photograph, and he claimed that the objects were actually in the sky, as opposed to a film or camera anomaly, and that the objects simply stood still for several minutes. |
![]() | 1955 - Namur, Belgium - (1) Three photographs were taken on June 5, 1955, at about 07:30 PM, near Namur. The witness indicated that he had visually seen a sharp gleam moving high in the sky without any noise and at high speed.He indicated that the gleam accompanied an object of discoidal shape leaving a white trail behind it. |
![]() | 1955 - Namur, Belgium - (2) The second photograph taken on June 5, 1955 in Namur. The witness continued by indicating that the object lost altitude, made a turn, and then went upwards to reach its own trail.See larger image to see dimension of the clouds, and get perspective of the object's size. An excellent photo. |
![]() | 1955 - Namur, Belgium - (3) The third photograph taken on June 5, 1955 in Namur. The witness continues by explaining that when the object joined its trail, the trail was disspating, the UFO then accelerated and left, while luminous particles were ejected behind it.Be sure to see the full-size image to appreciate the long trail behind the object, and dimension of the photo itself. |
![]() | 1956 - Rosetta/Natal, South Africa. July 17. These two photographs from South Africa were taken by alleged contactee Elizabeth Klarer. She claimed that she was impregnated by a tall, white-haired alien who piloted a UFO in one of her many contacts.Almost unbelievably, MUFON representative Cynthia Hind who was Africa's most respected Ufologist, found several eyewitnesses to her contact cases. Klarer was also... see file below. |
![]() | 1956 - Rosetta/Natal, South Africa. July 17... a well respected member of South African society. Her husband was a major in the South African Air Force, and Elizabeth worked for Air Force Intelligence.Seven photographs were taken in all, two included here. There were also two witnesses to the taking of the photos. Taken in the foothills of the Drakensburg Mountains, and so-dubbed the Drakensberg photos. If these are real, they are extremely impressive. She never changed her story. She died in 1994, at the age of 83. |
![]() | 1956 - Canada - A Royal Canadian Air Force pilot, while flying at an altitude of about 11 km saw and photographed a very bright, disc-like object that was remaining stationary near a thunderhead.An analysis of the photograph suggests that it would have been radiating in excess of a gigawatt of power within the spectral range of the film. At about 7:20 PM, MDT (about 20 minutes before sunset), on Aug. 27, 1956 a Royal Canadian Air Force pilot was flying nearly due west over the Canadian Rockies near Ft. MacCleod, Alberta (49.5 degrees latitude, 113.5 degree longitude). He was flying at 36,000 ft (about 11 m) in the second position (far left side) of a formation of four F-86 Sabre jet aircraft. While approaching a large thunderhead (cumulonimbus) at a ground speed of about 400 kts (740 km/hr) he saw, at a much lower altitude, a "bright light which was sharply defined and disc-shaped" or "like a shiny silver dollar sitting horizontal." Photograph © Childerhose - source-excerpted from article by Dr. Bruce Maccabee-http://brumac.8k.com/RJC/RJC.html |
![]() | 1956 - Summer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This clearly defined round disc was photographed by one A. Stizak. The photo was taken on a clear day.If you look closely, you can see three white dots underneath. Its authenticity was confirmed by ICUFON director Colonel Colman VonKeviczky. |
![]() | 1957 - December - S. S. Ramsey. Taken in December 1957, by the radio officer aboard the naval ship S. S. Ramsey. It was seen on deck, hovering in the sky.The radio officer grabbed his camera and took this picture before the object disappeared. I think the picture was first published in Flying Saucer Review. I wrote to them twice in 1996, but never got a reply. photo © Life Magazine. New Information Received in April, 2008: I received the following information from Woods M. "Here is the data inscribed on the back of the photo after he (Paul Cerny) gave it to me: 'Picture taken by a Naval Officer aboard a US. Navy ship-S. S. Ramsey-off Southern California in 1957.' (My copy of this photo is an 8" by 10" glossy enlargement.) 'The device at the base of the UFO (landing gear?)as shown in several other photos (that Paul had, and which I saw at KGO) - had rotated around the craft.' 'Paul gave no other explanation to me about the craft, but I am certain he had the sighting and the photos under investigation.' 'Although the photo I have is a reprint and an enlargement of the original, I doubt it was ever subjected to computer analysis, because the photo was taken during the 1950s about 45 years ago (in 2002). I also strongly doubt that the photo was computer generated, since that technology, as far as I know, did not exist then.' Additional information received on December 27, 2010. Paul Cerney was Chairman for the San Francisco Bay Area Subcommittee of NICAP. I knew Paul and when I worked at KGO-TV, San Francisco, invited him to appear on "The Golden Gate Story" which I produced August 23, 1964 (Mel Swope directed). Paul was an expert investigator. We broadcast this photo and at least one other photo from the sequence taken: the lower landing gear(?) rotated from shot to shot. This information is from my historical records and is deemed correct. Thanks, Rev. B. Woods Mattingley Additional Info Received on January 9, 2011. I was going through your fine collection of UFO photos and came across one I believe is a well known hoax that you imply in the description is legitimate. The photo in question is one labeled S.S. Ramsey photo from 1957. I recall seeing this photo written up in Flying Saucer Review magazine, probably sometime in the mid to late sixties when I was a kid. However, in the article the man who supposedly took the photo was named “T. Fogel” and he admitted the photo was a hoax. He claimed the object was made up of parts from several plastic model kits glued together and suspended by a wire (the main body being a stand for a fighter aircraft model). I would direct you to a statement made by noted UFO investigator Kevin Randle found at http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2007/06/ufo-photo-hoaxes.html in which he writes in June of 2007 that the Fogel admitted to the hoax. In the larger photo he includes in the article you can clearly see what appears to be a rod of some kind in the upper right corner of the photo, which was later cropped out of the picture. I am surprised you haven’t uncovered this well-known hoax during the course of your research. Take care, J. Allan Danelek Author of UFOs: The Great Debate |
![]() | 1957 - Lake Isabella, California - Deemed authentic by Kodak Labs. This photograph was taken by one B.C. He and his fiancee were riding their Harley Davidson through the southern Sierra Nevadas, in what is now Lake Isabella, California.They found an old dirt road that led down to the dry lake bed and they pulled off the main highway to take some random scenic shots. Neither of them saw anything out of the ordinary at the time. |
![]() | 1957 - Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico. Taken on October 16. This photo was taken by Ella Louise Fortune, a nurse at the Mescalero Indian Reservation near Three Rivers, N. M.She took the picture while driving Highway 54 about 1:30 PM. She stated that the UFO was motionless over Holloman AFB. |
![]() | 1957 - August, 20 - Fujisawa City, Japan. Taken by Shinichi Takeda near Enoshima Miami Beach at 11:28 AM. The object reportedly was also seen by his sister, who called his attention to it.UFO is silvery in color, giving off a brilliant glow at an estimated altitude of 3000-4000 feet, traveling N to S. The object made a 90 degree left turn, sped up, and disappeared in clouds. A few minutes later, 15 people on the beach reported a similar object which passed over at high speed. No camera data available. Picture shows capsule-shaped image near bank of cumulus clouds. |
![]() | 1957 - Edwards Air Force Base, California. Taken by a test pilot in September of 1957.The UFO is following a B-57 twin jet. The UFO was not discovered until the photograph was developed. An excellent photo for that time period. |
![]() | 1957 - Fort Belvoir, Virginia - Taken in September. This photo was investigated by the Condon Report. A private was called from his barracks by his friends to see the unusual object.He grabbed his camera and took six pictures of the strange ring-shaped object. Soon, the object was engulfed in white smoke. |
![]() | 1957 - Norway - Taken in July of 1957, this photo was sent to Project Blue Book for analysis. Wright Patterson determined that what we are seeing is a reflection of light on the camera lens.That is easy enough to say, I suppose, but I am not sure that is the case here. Be sure to see full size image. Credit "UFOs at Close Sight." |
![]() | Rouen, France, 1957. Flying to intercept a mysterious radar reflection, an unknown French Air Force pilot photographed this craft in March 1957 over Rouen with his gun-sight camera.The UFO paced the plane for several minutes before speeding off past the maximum velocity of the French airplane. This UFO appears to be of the same type that appeared in McMinnville, Oregon, over the farm of Mr. Paul Trent. It was first published in the Royal Air Force Flying Review in July, 1957, and also in Flying Saucer Review in July, 1957. |
![]() | 1957-1958 - Edwards AFB. This photo is said to come from an "instructive-film" of a UFO landing at Edwards AFB.The film is said to have been "leaked." This film has been referred to by more than one person, including the late astronaut Gordon Cooper, who claims to have seen the entire event. He says that the film did exist, but we cannot be certain that this is from that film. |
![]() | 1958 - January 16 - The Trinidade Island Photographs. Trindade is a small rocky island in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean 600 miles off the coast of Bahia, Brazil.Professional photographer Almiro Barauna would take a sequence of pictures of this UFO off of a Naval vessel. More than 50 witnesses saw the UFO, including the ship's Captain. Some of the best know early photos of a UFO. |
![]() | 1958 - Japan - One of the many UFO photographs taken in Japan. This one shows an object over Kaizuka in 1958.No other information is presently available. |
![]() | 1959 - Waikiki, Hawaii, June 18. This photograph was one studied by Project Blue Book. Photo taken by Joseph Sigel of Bellevue, Washington.Blue Book stupidly identified it as a sun glare on lens. The photo was studied at the UFO symposium for the Congressiona Hearings of 1968 by Dr. Robert N. Sheppard. |